do you need a hand?
As I grow older I am learning that everything has its own time. I am learning that nothing happens in my time, the time that I would choose is not the time God has in mind. As all of our children are out the home except for our son, I have those days as a mom, that the tears fall, I miss the sounds of all their voices, I miss the laughter, I have to say I miss it all. In life we have loss, and that loss comes in many different forms and comes at different times in our lives. We also have gain, we have blessings that God sends right when He knows we need them. As my daughter and I sat today and I heard all of her wedding plans, I realized that time is coming quickly. The time is coming where my baby girl, is going to be a woman, a wife, and her life will begin again as a new one connected forever with another. That thought brings joy and with it sadness, knowing that time in our lives is over, but life is also bringing changes, and with those will be blessings. This is the last year I will homeschool my son, as his dream in to go into the Coast Guard, the tears fall knowing my time with him at home is coming to end, but a new time for him is beginning soon. As old friends leave my circle and as new ones come, I realize God works all things in His time, not mine. I want so much to hang on to the past, but life doesn't work that way, we have to move forward, moving forward keeping our faith strong, knowing that without a doubt, He is there with us each step of the way. As illness' come and go, some stay with me, and there are those days, where each one is a battle, but I have learned to put on the face, to keep moving forward, and not to give up, for each day God brings hope. With my husband still not working, I know that we are not the only ones walking this scary path, but if we keep our eyes focused on Christ, and not our circumstance, He will lead us through. Although it appears to be hard for us now, God is doing a work in us, for I know He has something far better instore for us and our family. As each day comes and I pray for healing in our family, I pray that our family can come together in love, and share again what we once had that was so beautiful. As some of those days are hard, I know God is at work in all of us, moving us, and molding us. So I have to hang on, and not let go of my faith, but stay strong in the One who can bring healing and bring with it also peace. Today our families are touched with so much tragedy and trials, without Christ I couldn't make it, I would not be able to take a step. We all need a hand, we need a hand to hold when our mother is ill, when we have lost a child, when one is at war, when all peace is gone, in the middle of the night when fear comes and takes over. Just as when our children were small and reached up and took our hands, they wanted to feel that protection, that love, and for us the best hand to grab on to belongs to our Savior. His nail pierced hand, with each scar is the one that reaches out to me when I am feeling lost, alone, and when I think I cannot move again, He is there, taking my hand, and showing me the way. I have felt Him take my hand and say, "Be still my daughter", I hang on to those words, for it is when I am still that He is at work. Life takes us on many journeys, if we have asked Christ into our heart, we know just where this journey will end and where our new journey will begin. With Jesus we have assurance of His grace and mercy, His peace that comes when we are ready to break. We may not see eye to eye with our husband or wife today, we may have different ideas of just where we should be, but if we take the time to search God's plan, we will find that He isn't leaving us, He is right there and He will see us through. Battles come each day for us to fight. Its not about winning, it all about the journey through the battle and where it is taking us. Whether we need a hand in prayer, in our struggle to understand the pain we are facing, Jesus is there to listen, He wants us to come to Him with each need, with each burden, and when we do, when we decide to give Him all, He takes our fears and wipes them out, takes our tears and dries them, and washes us with all the peace He has. He has already given us all of the Holy Spirit we need, we just need to let go of ourselves, and let Him move in us, and allow Him to do His work. He has the hands you want upon you daily, He has loving, mighty and powerful hands, that are so strong, but yet so compassionate, that He understands our pain, our fears, and all that seems to touch us daily. When God holds out His hand to us, we must let go our own strength and find real strength in Him. I have been there, afraid to let go, afraid to give Him all control, but when we do, we find a peace and strength we didn't know was possible. Each day we are surrounded by voices, and many can be in our head telling us to give up, its no good, your not good enough, you will never make it, but we need to tell satan to get behind us, because Jesus is in front of us, leading us and its His voice we need to focus on, not satan, not the world, and not our fears. Do you need a hand today? Don't be afraid to reach out to Him, to reach out to others for help, don't let your pride get in the way, let go of that and be humble before Christ and man. Take His hand today, open your heart and listen to His still voice. May we be strong in the Lord and with His hand upon us, we have nothing to fear, nothing to lose, for He knows our pain all to well, for He felt our pain first. Your never alone, so don't give up, keep striving for the goal, the prize, for heaven, for all that Jesus has for us. It isn't found in fear, but in faith, when we believe in Him, nothing is impossible~ Psalm 37:23-24 "If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm; though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him wiht his hand." Psalm 139:9-10 " If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." Whether today your heart is broken, whether you are in pain, whether you have loss, whether you are tired and weak, if you are feeling as though your faith is not strong enough, call out to Christ today, call out to your friend, reach for a hand to help you, don't take on your burdens alone, don't take on the world alone, whatever it is at your feet today, reach out with a new hope, a new belief that Christ is there and He is there forever with you taking you out of the situation, or He will guide you through it with all you need.