Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ya need new glasses?

Five years ago when I went to the eye doctor I had 10/10 vision. It was better than perfect. The doctor said he has only seen a handful of people with vision such as mine. That was uplifting,I just almost felt special, ya know,like one of those mission impossible guys that have keen eyes. Well, my days of mission impossible didn't last long.Each year my eyes seemed to get worse. Now, I have bi-focals, and have to have my glasses on to eat!! As we get older our vision can blur, and we can have great vision far away, and can't see close up,or the opposite.We can see close up and cannot see anything far away. Life is like this also. We can start out with great vision,we can be following right along the path Christ has chosen for us,and wham,we are not seeing so grand anylonger.We take our eyes off Christ,and we begin to loose focus. At moments in our lives all we really care about it seeing what is right infront of us.We don't really care to see the future ahead. Some are so occupied with seeing the future,they loose focus of right now. When we are loosing sight of what is real, what is important,and where we are going, God is our sight adjuster. He is the One we need to go to for a check-up on our sight. He can tell us what we are not seeing,and what we need to see. He can fix us with a set of glasses so we can see the whole view,not just the view infront of our destorted glasses.Has this ever happened to you, your in the cool air and then you walk outside in the heat and your glasses fog up? This happens to me,and it drives me crazy. I almost fell last week because of the fog on my glasses. Just as in life, we can fall before we know what has happened because we were walking with Christ,and then we let the fog get the better of us, and we stay lost in the fog until we can get our vision back to what it should be.As my mom is loosing her sight to many diseases of the eye, she now knows just how special her sight is,and how she had taken it for granit so many years. We must not take our walk with Christ for granit. We must realize just how special He is, and how we cannot see clearly without Him. Have you ever been walking along and you loose your balance and stub your shoe,and as you recover from falling,you look back and blame it on the hole or the crack that was there? I too have been there,thinking someone saw me trip and fall,I look back at the crack and try to blame my fall on the crack. Well, it wasn't the cracks fault I fell, it was mine,for I wasn't watching where I was going. We often blame all around us for the falls we take,when in reality it isn't the things around us,its us, allowing ourselves to take our eyes off the focus, and we can fall into the cracks very easy. We go to the eye doctor once a year,we must not wait like that to make an appointment with Christ. We need to see Him daily for our check-ups. When we do see Him daily,He will guide us, and be our compass for the trail. Lets keep our eyes where they should be and our walk will be one with less falls....


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