Monday, July 27, 2009

When there are no words to say..

So many times things happen to our family, to our co-workers, and our friends. We find ourselves at their sides at a funeral, at a trial in their life, as a moment when the earth seems to stand still, at a hurting moment in their lives when no words seem to be like the right ones to say. We find ourselves standing not sure what to do. I have heard others say in the past,"Well all we can do now is pray." I have a problem with this twist on words. Since when is praying all we have left to do? Should it not be the first and foremost thing we should be doing? Should it not be the first words off our lips, and the words on our hearts to the Lord? Is there ever really a time to give up? Is there really ever a time when God cannot move? Prayer should be so in our lives that if we couldn't pray,then all may be lost, but with prayer to a mighty God all is possible. When we find ourselves in those moments when there are no words, we can stop and pray, stop and lay that friend at the feet of Jesus, and ask Him to hold them, to give them strength, to lift them up as no other can. Christ can do all things, and He is waiting for us to come to Him with prayer, with our hearts open. When the time comes for words, He will give us the words to say, and maybe no words are needed, but a prayer and a hug, for someone just to know that we are there for them anytime they need us. I have often felt that I have said the wrong thing, or did the wrong thing when someone was hurting. I have learned to tell them I am praying, and just to hug them, sharing in God's grace. We have had such hurt at our church over the past year or so. Although I cannot share these personal hurts of others right now, I can share that they are loved, they are in the hands of Jesus, they have strengthened their faith, they have turned to the God of all God's. He is a God of miracles, and a God of wonder. I have seen Him bring healing, to bring a new friendship, and to bring the right thing at the right time of need. Although we may not understand those hurting around us, we may have no idea of their pain,their pain is very real, and we need to lift them up daily, ask God to give them strength when they are weak, to give them faith when they feel as though the world is crashing down around them. To pray without ceasing to a God who hears all, and knows all. He knows each need, and just what each hurting person needs. There is always something we can do. We can pray. When the rain is pouring, when we are blinded by our pain, when we are scared to death, we can find comfort in the Lord. We all have special gifts. We can make a call, send flowers, send a card of love, make a dish of their favorite food, or maybe just sit with them as they shed tears that never seem to end. But we can saturate them with prayer, and they will feel God's presence, they will feel His love as they go through the trials in their lives. We must not leave them in the dark, we must not leave them to find healing on their own, but lead them to the love of God with our prayers. The next time you feel as though you don't know what words to say or how to help, get upon your knees, go into your prayer closet, or just sit on your bed, your special place, and lift them up in prayer. Prayer is a healer, prayer is a gift, prayer is redeeming, and prayer is the best gift we can give to our hurting friends...


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