Monday, July 20, 2009
Okay girls,have you ever asked the question,Do you think I'm Fat?
Okay girls lets be honest.Have any of you ever went home from a day of trying on swimsuits,looked at your husband and asked the horrible question he dreads,"Do you think I am fat?" I have to admit, I too have asked my husband this, and ofcourse we all want them to say,"Ofcourse not honey, you are perfect,wouldn't want you any other way!" Some have even asked the question,"Do you think I am prettier than her?" "Do you think I am smaller than her?" or the best yet,"I'm not as big as her am I?" If we can get real for a minute girls, what are our husbands suppose to say to those questions? We have already trapped him. He can't really answer that question the right way. Is there really a right or wrong answer? Ofcourse we think there is, and its,"No your not fat,and yes you are smaller than she is." I have had my husband come out from getting dressed and he will turn around and look at me and say,"Do these pants make my butt look big?" He gets a real kick out of that, and boy, does he think he is funny,but to us girls it doesn't seem so funny when you have gained weight, when you have just had a baby, when we are getting older and our bodies are changing, when we have to take medication, and yes, when our thyroids are way out of wack. There are many reasons we gain weight. But why do we torture ourselves this way? Why are we always looking at magazines, seeing celebs on television, or just plain old seeing old pics of ourselves and thinking I want to look like that, or why dont I look like that anymore? Why do we bring this on ourselves? My size 2 daughter went for a modeling interview and was told at 5'6 she was too fat for modeling! I was outraged someone would say that about my daughter. They said they needed her to be half her size. Well at that rate, they might end of with just part of a body! We as women allow television and magazines to tell us we are fat, we dont look good enough, and we all need to be on a diet. To that I say, "No". The only reason any of us should be losing weight is to be healthy, to be in shape and to feel great. That may be a size 14, 12, 10 7 or a 2 for some. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT SIZE YOU ARE! What matters is, are you healthy? We are not here to impress others, we are not here to out do others, we are not here to bring glory to ourselves. We are all shaped different, we all look different, and we are all made different by a loving God. A God who created beauty in us all. When we can wake up and feel great, feel the love of Christ, and be confident in who we are, then we have arrived at being a woman. Ladies we have got to give our husbands a break here, we shouldn't be asking those questions to them, it puts them at a spot that they are lost for words. They love us, they think we are beautiful and they love us. What more do we want? We have got to take our focus of ourselves and put it back on Christ. In highschool I was a size 2, that will never happen in a million years, those days are past, now at a size 7 I still fall into the sin of thinking am I good enough. Why do we struggle with these thoughts? Why do we feel as though we have to compete with other women? Why cant we just come together and love one another? We know we all struggle with these feelings. I have friends who are smaller than me and bigger than me, and to me they are all beautiful. They are all unique with their very own styles, the colors that make them glow,some wear pink, some love red, and some are really into brown! The most important thing that makes us shine, is our love for Christ. Its not about what we are wearing, its about how well we are wearing Him. Its not the woman that makes the clothes, or the clothes that make the woman, its Jesus Christ that makes us who we are, and we should all stand with our heads held high as His daughters. Can you really fathom that? We are daughters of the King. It doesnt get much better than that. There is no size chart for the entry of heaven. Its a signature of our name written in the book of life. That should excite us all. Whether we are 14 or 72 we all want to look our best, and that best is what God created. And for the body He created, we should take care of it, and do that to our best ability. We should be able to look into the mirror each day, and say thank you Lord, thank you for all you have given me. We are all created in His image, that is an image that has beauty all of its own. Lets stop comparing to other women, and lets cheer each other on as we walk, as we run, whatever our exercise is,and be cheerleaders for one another to take the best care of our bodies that we can. Your mirror just as mine should be a reflection of Christ. "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well." Psalm 139:14 God doesn't make junk, He doesn't make mistakes, He made each of us with His very own hands, with all the love He has to give. Beauty comes from God. When He lives in us, He shines forth and we begin to glow with beauty that has come from His love. Ladies it doesn't matter what size your jeans are, what matters is are we taking care of the bodies that God gave us? Let us allow our husbands to love us as we are. If we will, our love can only grow stronger. Don't look at magazines that have been touched up, and girls have been in make-up for hours. Let us be real ladies, girls that love Christ and are not focused on how we look. May we not be vain, but may we shine for Jesus. Tonight don't ask your husband if he thinks your p.j's make you look fat. Tell him you love him, and cherish who God made you to be, a Godly woman...