Monday, July 13, 2009

Just sittin' on the bed...

One of the things I miss most about my girls not being home any longer is those moments we just sat on the bed together. Those first moments when I would read to them, and then as they were older they would read to me. Brushing their hair while we talked about their dreams, and just chatting about what today was about or what they did with a friend. Its those moments as a mom and daughter that you bond. You share this awesome gift between the two of you. We use to sit on the bed and watch movies, do our hair, help with their studies, talk about love, Jesus, our fears and our dreams. This was a time we shared in the morning and at night. There were times where we just did our school in the bed with our p.j's on. It was a time when the barbies came to life, or with my son there too,the army would sure enough take over. So much was shared and said just sittin' on the bed. The "I love you's" and the "I am so mad at you's".We shared stories of crushes on boys, and playing games. Sittin' on the bed was a time for me to share my heart with them,and also a time for me to listen. Those days of putting in pig tails, reading a great story,or kneeling at the bed in prayer go by so very fast. But I hold each one of those moments so close to my heart. Today, I can go sit on their bed alone, read a book, be in prayer, or take a nap while thinking of them the whole time. I miss those days dearly, but as they grew those days got less often, and though I wish I had them back, I really hope that when they have daughters of their own,they will look back at those days we shared just sittin' on the bed,and have great memories that bonded us together.They will one day have their own time with their daughters making memories just sittin' on the bed, and I pray they are just as special as the ones we shared together..


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