Sunday, June 28, 2009

Where has your mouth been lately?

We tend to think our hands are the dirtest part of our body,maybe even our feet. Nope, its our mouths. What words have you spoken lately? Have they been Godly words, words of wisdom, hurtful words, gossip, slander, cursing words? A few weeks ago while driving with my son, a man was passing us, and on our country roads it is very dangerous. I yelled at that man in my car, as though he could hear me. Telling him in a not so nice way,just what I thought of his driving. My son was on the phone with a friend, a man he works for. He overheard my words, and shared with me the next Sunday. As he jokingly told me in a nice way not to do that,God told me later on when I got home in tender way. God knew what I had said, and so did this young man. I shared with him, that I knew he had a few of those words he had said also. But he looked at me,and said Ms.Robin,I look up to you and I hold you at a high standard. I was without words. The only words I could say when I got home and God spoke to my heart,was I am sorry. Now, I must go this young man and apologize.We tend to say things we shouldn't, and then after the words are out,we think of what we should have said. Matthew 15:11 " Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man." Yes,in this verse Jesus is speaking of the Pharisees, and their ceremonies. But this verse can teach us also that its not what we put into our mouths, but what we are really saying,the words that come out of our mouths at times do not bring glory to God. What comes out of our mouths begins in our hearts. Ouch..What is really in our heart, comes out of our mouths. If we are focused,if we are in God's word, we are going to praise His name. We are going to hold our standards high, and be the examples He wants us to be. If I choose to use those words, what example am I giving? If I am gossiping,what example am I giving? If I am tearing down others,what am I giving? I am being a stumbling block to my brother or sister.We can love with words or we can hate with words. We have a choice of what comes out of our mouths, and we need to make the right choice. Our mouths can be really dirty, we need to do some cleaning, some changing. If we are speaking as though the world does, are we walking as a christian? Is our light shining for Jesus? If I am to walk and talk as a christian, before I blame another, before I look to another, I better clean up my own act....Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditaion of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer."The words coming from my mouth should be giving honor and glory to God. We can either point someone to Christ with our words, or turn them away from Christ altogether. Which direction do you want to take those around you? Lord, please forgive me of the words that have come from my mouth, help me to walk with You. Give me strength to overcome this sin in my life, and show me the way. Lord, let my mouth be a vessel for You,not a stumbling block for others trying to get to you. May love and only love come out of my mouth.


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