don't know which path to take?
If I could stretch out all the wrong roads I have been on,they could most likely wrap around the world ten times. I get stuck in that fork in the road not quite sure which one to take. My husband has driven all across the United States. He can take me for a drive and always know which way he is headed. He can take me eight different ways to the same destination. I can't seem to find my way. I can find my way to the mall, but leaving,I have no idea how to get home. My husband has taught me much about driving,taking the right road,making the right turns and teaching me which highways run which direction,and I am learning my way there and my way home.Just the other day while taking my mother to the city to the specialist I took a wrong turn. I had to go and back track to find my way again. My walk with Christ is like that. I know the road, I know the way, but I get lost along the path,make wrong turns, get turned around,and end up back tracking,finding my way back to Jesus. In our time,in our world,in our nature we can go off road at times, we can get stuck and keep spinning our wheels and find ourselves going nowhere. God has our paths set for us. He shows us the way. He is our compass home. He is our guiding light. He is the light on that dark road. I am amazed that somehow in my travels, I get lost, knowing to follow my compass. Whenever we are at that fork in the road,all we have to do is call out for Jesus. Instead of running that red light,or even skimming through the yellow,just pull off the road,and wait for His answer. We always seem to think we are in the drivers seat. We always seem to think we have to drive in the fast lane. We don't. We need to slow down, get in the right lane and wait for Jesus to make our paths clear. When we are driving in the fog,we often turn on our bright lights to see better,it doesn't help. We have to wait until the fog has lifted to see clearly. When our lives are foggy,why do we insist on trying to drive blind? We can't depend on our own way,our own thoughts,or our own vision. We have to fully trust in God. If we choose to slow down,pray,and wait,He will see us through any road, or detour that gets in our way.Psalm 139:3 "You comprehend my path, and my lying down,And are acquainted with all my ways."Psalm 17:5"Uphold my steps in Your paths,that my footsteps may not slip.""Psalm 25:4-5 Show me Your ways, O Lord;Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation;On you I will wait all the day."We have God's word to steer us in the right direction,to teach us,to correct us, and to set us straight. We can learn from Him,or try to find the way ourselves.If we choose the latter,we will get lost in the fog. God has set our paths for us, may we follow Him,may we find our way in Him,and may we not lose our way. If we get lost,just hop back in the back seat and let God take the wheel,allow Him to drive for awhile,and see the amazing destinations He has for you and the wonderous stops along the way...