Thursday, June 4, 2009

Are we lifting others up along the way?

Wow,I see so many around me that seem to tear down people instead of lifting them up.I see others gossiping,sharing all about their children,husbands and yes even friends. Why is it that we so often tear others apart for our lack of happiness in our lives,when really,we are the problem? It is so much easier to tear others apart,then to really take a close look at yourself.It hurts sometimes to really look down deep at who we really are.It is frightening to think that possibly we could be the problem,and not the other person we are tearing down. Do we examine ourselves as much as we do other people? I really don't think so.It isn't nice or showing honor to your spouse to tear him or her apart for the world to see. When we have troubles with our children,should we really be sharing with everyone? I don't think so.I have very close friends I can go to for advice,to share with them my struggles and for them to pray for me to get back on track or to just pray for my family.It doesn't do any good to tear people apart,it only makes matters worse,and makes us really look as if we are better than the other. No one is perfect,no one can make all happy,no one can measure up to somes standards. After a while of being told your lazy,your stupid,or you just don't do that right,nothing seems to be good enough,so why try at all? We are not here to impress other people.We are not here to see how happy we can be or see how much we can gain.We are here to find Jesus,to follow Jesus,and to serve Jesus. Our lives are not about us. They are about honoring Christ Jesus with every word,every act,and every move we make.Its okay not to be perfect and fit everyones mold in life.Its okay to make mistakes and learn along the way.Its okay to love and lift up others,even when we don't get that in return. Love is a gift from God for us to cherish and bless others with,not tear them down.The next time you want to tear a person down,think if it was you being ripped apart,and how would you feel.....


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