Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We Are But A Symphony...

In life we all play our part. Whether we be a horn,drums, or a harp.We all make our beautiful music. God is the composer and we are what He is creating. Each instrument makes its own magical song,but together all the instruments make a beautiful sonnet. As learning to sing in choir,our leader doesn't want just one voice to sound out over the others,she wants the harmony and melody to blend into this amazing sound,that only comes from everyone doing their own part,blending in together,and with that comes a piece of music,that the composer has put together. When he sits down to write a piece of music,it doesnt just take a day,it takes time,it takes heart and love he has put into every piece. As he is bringing all together,with all complexity and intricate pieces,he has finally finished and in bringing the symphony together ready to show all he has done brings him honor and glory. Whatever part we are meant to play,we play it with all our hearts,and with everything we have been trained to do,and we work together for the good of the whole piece of music,not trying to overshadow the other,but allowing the master's composition to shine through us. Our lives are like this. God is the Composer,He is in front of us,and as we raise our instruments He leads us,and creates through us something beautiful to Him.Each sonnet will touch someone different,each piece will be brought together and the beautiful music begins.


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