Saturday, May 30, 2009

Waiting on someone?

I can remember my mother waiting up for me when I went out and didn't come home when I should have.As I walked in the door I could see the pain on her face that I had disobeyed and didn't come home when I was to.She had given me privledges and I abused them,and was selfish.As I became the mother of teenage girls,I too waited on them,not just at night,but anytime because I loved them and wanted so much to protect them.A mother knows those feelings of waiting.We waited for our prom date to ask.We waited on the right man to come along.We waited as we were pregnant with our child,and then during labor,we waited to make sure they were here and okay.We wait upon many things in life.Sometimes we wait a long time for answers,for relationships to reconcile,for loved ones to be saved and come to know the Lord.We wait on dinner,we wait for the phone to ring.While we are waiting do we always show patience? I can say I haven't.That is one thing that I struggle with,I want everything to be fixed right now,not years later. I found this verse in Isaiah 30:18 it says this;"Therfore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; and therefore He will be exalted,that He may have mercy on you. for the Lord is a God of justice;Blessed are all those who wait for Him" So in this verse we know that God has patience,He has justice,and He has grace for us.Is that not awesome words to hear? They all work together for our good.He loves us so much He waits,maybe all night,a day,a month or maybe years for us. He gives us time and that is pretty amazing love to me.He knows what it feels like to wait upon your daughter to enter the door.He knows what it feels like when we are waiting for our husbands to get home safely,and when our parents are ill,we are waiting for them to heal and recover,He too knows this waiting.With all His love He has for us,it is such a special message for us to understand also.For if He can wait on us,why then is it so hard for us to wait.I think He has been waiting much longer for all His children to come home.The next time your waiting,remember the grace and love our Father has for us,His children...


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