Sisterhood is an amazing treat. Its like an icecream on a hot day.Its like dipping in the lake to get refreshed.Its that thing you never forget to pack on a trip. Its that spot in your heart that is filled to the brim with love,and not just love,but,uncondisional love. Sisterhood has blessed my heart with so many different sisters I have met,for each one God has brought into my life. Each one is there for a different purpose and plan God has that God has to touch our lives. We are knit together like a woven sweater,all connected by our love for Jesus. Sisters are there for you to hear the yucky stuff,the hurtful things,the mountains and valleys we go through. They too are there for those times of blessings. My speed dial is full. Most of the space is for my sisters. They are the first ones you want to call when something goes wrong,or when you want to praise God for something wonderful. A sisterhood is a connection,a line you have that cannot be broken. Your sisters help keep you on track,leading you in the right directions when you want to take a turn off road. I have a sister of mine who when I wanted to get a tattoo of a verse on my foot,(which I thought would be really cool,but then changed my mind!) she said just get a t-shirt to make your point! She was right,like always. When we need to hear the truth,they are there to tell us with love.They are there for those midnight calls, and early morning calls when you really need them. They listen and share parts of their lives with one another that they cannot share with anyone else. Sisters understand. They can help to be our sunshine on a rainy day. If you have a sister who has blessed you, call her today,text her, send her a note. Let her know just how special she is, and how important she is in your life. Life is much more special with the sisterhoods I have made.