Saturday, May 23, 2009

My Trip to Walmart.....

A few years ago I had made a trip to Walmart. I had many things to get. A whole cart full. I had just had a cortisone shot in my wrist and was feeling the pain,and I had just found the lump in my neck. I was really feeling poorly. I gathered all my things and headed for the check out line. As the young girl was checking my things out I asked her if she could please put them in my cart. Not thinking she heard me,I asked again. Oh,she heard me the first time.So she went on to tell me that was not her job. I was shocked at this information,for this is a check-out persons job. I realized there was a woman behind me,and she started cursing at me. Yelling in fact,that others were doing their own bags,why couldn't I? I tried my best to ignore this woman who seemed she felt the need to scream at me now for all to hear. I asked the young girl again and even said,I always do this myself but today I cannot. The woman behind me kept yelling. I just felt the Holy Spirit come over me,and I was calm. I felt a peace that just washed over me. The girl finally put my bags in the cart,but she slammed them in,my cart was running over and things were falling off. The woman behind me still yelling mind you, I thought okay, I am finished and I will make it out to my car. As I got outside,the lady who was cussing at me,was parked by me. As I was putting my bags in the car,I saw her coming,and for some reason I just began to cry. She was coming down the center lane yelling at me!! While we were inside,I politely turned to her and told her,"I am sorry,but this isnt your concern and yes,it is her job,not mine to put my bags in the cart. Needless to say,my words did not help her any,but they did me.I will not repeat all she said,it was words that hurt and shouldn't come out of a womans mouth.I sat in the car and cried,I hurt so bad. I was wondering to myself,why didnt you just turn around and slug her? That may have made me feel better for a moment,but then I would have brought myself down to her level,and I wouldnt have been a good witness,plus she was three times my size. What amazed me about that day was how the Holy Spirit just came over me,and washed me with patience.I sat at home after putting my bags of food away,and prayed for this woman. Something had to be happening in her life for her to be so hateful to a total stranger. Something had to harden her heart to be a bully.I still think of this woman from time to time,and wonder if she has been treated like that. I felt sorry for her,to be so mean,no one knew what was going on in her life. So many times we meet others and they can be so mean for what we think is no reason,but maybe something happening in their lives or in their pasts had effected them so,that it took all joy from their hearts. When those people enter our lives for those brief moments,we need to pray for them.I dont think that woman was by me just by chance. I believe God put her there,then to lay her upon my heart to pray. She had no idea what I was facing in my own life. I was so thankful the Lord was with me that day,and layed His peace in my heart. The next time you meet someone that has nasty words to say,or is just mean for no good reason,think about a quiet answer turns away wrath,Proverbs 15:1 tells us; "A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." I could have screamed back at this woman,but what would that really have solved? It would have made the situation worse. Our quiet words will surprise some,and just may show them the way to a new way of life.


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