Saturday, May 23, 2009

Going Climbing.....

Have you been climbing any mountains lately? I have,and its really hard to climb. Once your in that valley and you look up and see how high the mountain is,do you really want to climb it? Whats at the top of that mountain for you? Is it relief,peace,quietness,or could it be just growth? I have climbed many mountains in my life,and too have been in those valleys. When your in the valley all we see is the pain,hurt,sufferings,but with those comes a need.That need is to be lifted up,put on a straight course.Many times we get ourselves lost in the valleys of life and we cannot see clearly anymore through all the trees.What trees in your life are blocking your view of the mountain? We all have been there,we all have those big trees that we just cannot for the life of us get past. At first I thought being on the mountain top was the best thing. It was the place where all felt right and good. But for me,I seem to slip off that mountain and into the valley over and over again. I have found that with all my slips, that is where I really found Jesus. That is where I really found out who I am,and where He wants me to go. In those valleys of life is when we call upon Christ. Because when we are in those valleys,He is all we have.He is all we need. For Him to help us see that and to help us grow into the people He wants us to be,we have to go through those valleys to get to the mountain. There is a popular song out today about climbing mountains,and one of the lines is,"Its not about how fast I get there or whats waiting on the other side,its all about the climb." I like this song,and love to sing along with it. This song rings so true about it doesnt matter how fast I get there.Many times in those valleys and with the climb it takes for what we feel a very long time.I have been there calling out to God,asking Him,"When am I gonna get there,when are my prayers going to be answered?" For us time seems like forever,but all things come in God's timing. He knows how long we must stay in that valley to learn,and when we need to start our climb. God hears every prayer we say,even before we say it. He knows what we need more than we do. Some climb faster than others,some try to climb all on their own,thinking they got it figured out,and thats when you seem to slide right back down into that valley.We cannot make the climb without Christ. When we do reach the mountain top,sometimes we are there for a long time,others we see the valley coming again and again.This is the part of the song I disagree with,about it doesnt matter whats waiting on the other side. To me it does matter. I know Jesus is on the other side of that mountain.If it were not for Him being there,what good would the climb be? What would we really gain? Nothing. In our lives there are those who think it doesnt matter how I get to the top,or what I have to do to get to the top. It does matter.When you go mountain climbing you cannot just show up in your tennis shoes and a t-shirt. You suit up in the right gear,and before you climb,you learn how by those who have climbed before you,and by the One who is at the top.Whether we are in the valley,climbing or reach the top,the amazing thing is,Jesus is with us all the way if we will allow Him to carry us through those valleys and as we climb,learning from Him as He teaches us each step. Even when we fall,He is right there to catch us.He is our saftey net, our harness,and our gear to get their. After we have been in the valley,we have made our climb,and we are reaching the top,we may have a few bumps and bruises,but with God's love and healing He will be there all the way.The next time you are in the valley,call out to God and you will find Him there,when your making that climb and you feel as though you cannot make it,call out to God and He will help you up the mountain.Once we are at the mountain,we can look back through the valley and really see how we got there.It was with Jesus all the way.Don't get caught up in how long it takes us to get there,or how many times we slip.Never give up when it gets hard,for that is when Jesus shows us He is with us. Through those valleys and climbs that is where Jesus shines through us,and that is where our praises begin.Don't be afraid of those valleys and climbs,trust Jesus as your spotter,your gear,and all you need for your trip up.


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