Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Tongue....

James 3:9-10 says: With the tongue we praise our God and Father, and With it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be....Do you struggle with this as I do? How can we in one moment bring praise to our Savior and in the next breath speak harshly of a person? In the bible it speaks of our evil tongue, but if we know this is wrong can we not think upon it, think before we speak, when someone is gossiping can we not speak up and say we shouldn't speak this way of that person?Should we say something of a person, if infact we would not say it to their face? Should we speak of anyone ill at all, no we shouldn't. When ever we disrepect Gods people we are infact disrespecting Him, and saying what He created is not good enough. Who are we to do that?When we see our young people gossiping, how can we speak up and tell them it is wrong if we are not being the examples we should be? Words hurt for a lifetime, when we don't think anyone hears us, someone always hears, and God always hears. Would we want others to speak badly of us? I don't think so. We should always lift one another up, and encourage each other with words of love. As it was once said by Thumper " If ya can't say nothin nice don't say nothin at all ".......


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