Saturday, January 24, 2009

How do we reach others?

How do we reach out to others and show them Christ? Micah 6:8 says we should walk the walk and talk the talk,but do we?Jesus is the same yesterday,today,and tomorrow.He showed people the way through love and accepting them for who they were inside. He reached out and touched the untouchable,the unlovable and those who were different.Do we do that? Or do we do the safe thing and just reach out to those who are like us? If we are to reach out, then we are to be Jesus to the whole world, not just the ones that look like us, or talk like us. This doesn't mean we join in and act like the world, change ourselves to reach others. It does mean, we love others as Jesus did, show them the way, be leaders, and be the example. I have failed in this area many times as I learn and grow with Christ. We all want to be accepted and loved. As Christians, we should be the first to step up to the plate and be the example. We don't all have to agree with every issue. Theres only one that is the important one,that Jesus came to save the world, He chose to die for us, even though we are so unworthy, and He rose again, If we believe upon His name we will be saved. It all comes down to that simple verse of John 3:16. We tend to forget none of us are perfect, we make mistakes,and all we really want, is to be loved......


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