Friday, November 13, 2015

Empty Me

Lord Jesus, empty me of {everything} that keeps me from being close to You. Don't allow the things of this world to change me. Don't allow me to be become numb. I want to feel.  I want to be moved by {everything} around me. I want to see in a new way. To hear like never before. 

Jesus, I want my life to become Yours. I want {everything} about me to shine to Jesus to the world before me. Yes! I want to reflect Your love onto everyone that crosses my path.

I want to express You through {everything} I do. I don't want to go through the motions of the day and not be aware of those around me. 

I want to experience {everything} You have for me. I want to more than talk the talk. I want to walk the walk. I want my actions to speak of You. I pray my words bring You glory. 

As You empty me of {everything} unworthy of You, Lord, fill me with {everything} that speak of You. Breathe into me what is pure and holy. Remove all that is chard. Heal the broken. Speak to my heart. Change me to look more like You, Jesus. Yes, my prayer today that is You take my life and make it new. Create in me something beautiful and unique. I don't want to follow the world. I don't want You to be hidden in my sin, but expose my sin, and free me of the chains that hold me down. Lord, I want to soar with You. I want to experience life in a new and bold way. 

Leave yesterday behind me and give me courage to stand in today and hope in tomorrow. I want to be free, Jesus. I want to escape the mold. I want to do something different. I want to stand out and be me. The me that You created me to be. 

No failures holding me back from {everything} You have for me! No fears to shame me into being stagnant. I want me feet to dance for You and only You. I want to live for an audience of One! Yes, Lord, it is my prayer that You take my life today and change me. I gave You my heart. I surrendered my life to You. But today, Lord, renew me. Allow me to walk in Your Spirit and move for You. Draw me closer to You. May I leave all the junk behind and embrace a freedom in love and forgiveness. 

Remove my inadequacies and replace them with confidence. A confidence that comes from You. May I walk in Your security and find sanctuary in Your holy place. I may I see Your glory in {everything} that surrounds me. May I be humble before You, Lord. No pride in my walk, but grace to be seen. 

May my life shout the love of Jesus. I pray grace and mercy can be seen in my life. I present myself to You today, Lord. Draw me near to You. No more wounds to bleed to me dry. I want my heart to be filled with forgiveness. No bitterness to drown me in pity. Take all of my imperfections, Lord. Take each ash of my life and create simple beauty. 

Today I open my heart my to You, Lord. I breathe in Your Word and I feel Your presence. Replace my {everything} with all of You.  

"Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God." 
Ephesians 5:1-2

"Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God-truly righteous and holy." 
Ephesians 4:22-24


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