Sunday, January 26, 2014

Restless by Jennie Allen

There are times we pick up a book and begin turning pages and we feel the Spirit move over us. We realize this book, these words, were created just for us. This is that book for me. There are times I have felt so restless. Wanting to serve, wanting to move, but feeling stuck and in a rut. This isn't what I was made for. I was created for more. I have a purpose. A distinct plan created just for me. 

I want to share some of the phrases I have underlined throughout this book that wrapped around my soul and stirred my heart. 

"He gave us His very self in the person of the Holy Spirit so that we would never be limited to achieve only what is possible on our best day. Dream big, believe big, and dare big during your one and only life on this planet. Impossible is where God starts and miracles are what God does." Christine Caine

"There is a darkness that tries to spread the disease of "be big". Christ whispers the cure to the ego's disease: Decrease so I can increase." Ann Voskamp

"The life that God has set in front of us is exciting, and adventurous, and risky. Sometimes it's even dangerous. And it's going to ask everything of us, because apparently it doesn't care much for our comfort or our happiness or our safety, and yet it is the kingdom that satisfies. It is the gospel that makes us whole and gives us purpose." Jen Hatmaker

"In the quiet, surrounded by everything I thought I'd ever wanted, I felt that everything I'd ever wanted was strangling me. I loved my family, but in the process of making a family I had somehow lost myself. Passions were pushed aside, dreams had trickled away, and the needs of other people outside my family had escaped me." 

"This is a book about discovering ourselves and getting over ourselves all at the same time." 

"This book is about all that lies in our control and how nothing is in our control."

"This is a book about vision and obedience." 

"I want you to dare to believe that God has a vision for how you are to spend your life. Because finding and accomplishing this vision  is quite possibly the greatest responsibility we have as a generation, second only to knowing and loving God." 

"Our creative God has an infinite number of creative plans to make Himself known  through us, His image bearers, so He sent His Spirit to give unique visions to unique people to reach the world in unique and beautiful ways."

"To hide our gifts, or to deny them, or to compare and wish them away is not only taking from yourself; it is taking from God, His church, and a world that needs to see the expression of God you bring. It's the expression He designed you to bring to it." 

"To understand our purposes, we must understand God's ultimate agenda. God is most after His glory. And glory is the visible expression of God's goodness and beauty on this earth. It's how we recognize Him. The ultimate visible expression of God's glory on earth is Jesus. We are to live out the same call. God has chosen to show Himself and His goodness-His glory-through us. And like the millions of pixels that together are displaying Duck Dynasty on my TV right now as my kids are watching in the other room, every one of our unique callings will display God to our world." 

"All journeys have a cost. The path to our purpose here is rarely built comfortably. So are you restless enough to go here? Are you hungry enough for more to do the work?"

"The most inconspicuous tasks usually are building big things we can't see yet." 

I could go on and on sharing the words of this humbly, beautiful woman of God. This is one of those books you grab hold of and find Jesus within. It's a book you pass on to your friends. It's words you share with others to create beauty in this life. 

Jennie Allen is transparent through her penned words. Jesus is alive within this book, within these words. Many times it's a bit hard to do a review on a book. It must be read and reviewed by a certain date. I read through this book for review and will now slow down and read it again. I know in reading it again I will find double blessings. Yes, this book is just that good.  

This book was a gift from Thomas Nelson for sharing my review with you. 

Jennie Allen is a passionate leader following God's call on her life to catalyze this generation to live what they believe. She is the author of Anything and the Bible studies Stuck and Chase, and is the founder and visionary of IF: Gathering. Jennie is married to her best friend, Zac, and they have been blessed with four children, the youngest of whom was adopted from Rwanda. 


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