Tuesday, January 29, 2013

He Is My Forever Companion

You know you have a wondrous friend when you can spend time together not saying a word to fill the silence. My husband and I have this kind of relationship. We can be together for hours. Him watching TV and me reading a book. No words spoken, just holding hands. It's the companionship that speaks volumes. In that silence I am able to come to a total enjoyment. It's like an unspoken joy.

I open my eyes to my Savior. I am learning to just be in silence. I say, "Good morning, Lord", and I am filled with a desire to spend time with Him. I lay my head down for rest and there I am once again seeking my Savior. A solitude of peace. A soft flow of grace. It is as though we are speaking heart to heart.

I once heard that it was selfish and rude to fall asleep during prayer. Friends, I have to disagree with this statement. For me, what better way to fall asleep, then to the voice of my Savior? I am learning to simply listen to Him. In the silence of the night I can hear my Savior's calling. I can feel His love wash over me. I leave behind the busy of the day. All the aggravation. The weary thoughts. The hurts that pile up. Words I have spoken and actions that have not shown the grace of my Lord. I lay it all down at the foot of the cross. The bitterness that creeps in after a hurtful action of another comes to mind and then holds me captive as more anger drifts in like a high tide.

It's turning a corner and finding my Savior there waiting. He goes before me each day. He knows the path He has desired for me. He too knows the path I will take. He is ready for what may come. Before I take a move, He already knows the next and has it prepared for me. There is nothing that lies in question for Him.

On a cloudy day, He brings the sunshine. On a busy day that sweeps my feet out from under me, He is there to remind me to calm my spirit. Just stopping to listen for His voice brings calm in calamity. He eases my fears when in a moment's notice I can turn to Him and simply say, "Jesus". When I have no words, He speaks for me. He intercedes when I am at a crossroad. He goes to the Father on my behalf. He reaches out for a love greater than any other.

There isn't anything He wouldn't do for me. In His no, there is an open door waiting. In His yes, there is a path for me to follow. He brings understanding in questionable moments. He clears the pathway of all debris for me. He is Truth in the moment of lies that Satan spews. He is my strength in times of trial. For it is He that shows me there is reason for all and never just happenstance. Through every circumstance He gives opportunity for me to give praise to His name.

Yes, there are days I move away from Him. Like you, there are days I get busy and say to Jesus, "Later". Only to later, I put it off for another time. The Holy Spirit calls and there I am hushing. But even in my self time He remains strong and steady. He isn't giving up. He continues to remind me. To call to me. Again, He already knows my step and He is prepared to bring me back. That is exactly what He does. He brings me back and there I am before Him in all humility  more eager to be in His presence. It is with Him that I desire to be.

There are times I am angry and I don't want to let go of it in fear that I am in some way weak. But in that very moment I hear my Savior remind me that it is in my weakness, that He makes me strong. When I am wronged and want to make it right, He is there to still my heart. Over and over again He is there with words of encouragement. He brings to mind people who have walked before me. People who have been temped and have overcome. He gives example through those shared in His Word just how my walk can have new meaning.

He loves me for me. He can always be found. He is that constant in my life. My day can quickly turn into something that is not desired. I am learning in every circumstance to call upon Jesus and wait for Him. Wait for His answer before I speak. Wait upon His Word before I act. Today, I cannot imagine my life without Jesus. He has changed everything for me.

He is my cheerleader. The one who inspires me. There is always time to share with my Savior. Whether I am doing the dishes, driving into the city or readying for bed. I can go to Him all throughout the day. He is never too busy and He is never unavailable. Yes, He is the available, steadfast Savior, who is forever present. He is my forever companion.

"Every morning, I tell you what I need, and I wait for your answer." Psalm 5:3

"I'm an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I'm never out of your sight. You know everything I'm going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and you're there, then up ahead and your there, too-your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful-I can't take it all in." Psalm 139:2-6

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your graciousness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7

Sweet Jesus, thank You, for being my forever companion. You go before me and are always with me. There isn't anything that You do not know about me. I praise You, Lord. May I seek You, Lord, morning and night. Help me to see time wasted and how I can make time given hold more value.


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