Thursday, January 10, 2013

God's Perfect Wilderness Road

"But forget all that-it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."  Isaiah 43:18-19

In my Bible commentary it says that God didn't want the Israelites to forget the exodus from Egypt, but they did need to look forward in faith. Seeing what God was doing now and would do for His people instead of dwelling in the past. Have you ever dwelled in the past? I have downright settled down, pitched a tent and camped for weeks.

I have figured out that when I spend time dwelling in the past about what could have been or about what was lost, I totally lose sight of the blessings I have today. You could say that as long as we remain in the past we limit what the Lord can do in our life today. When I'm stuck thinking of the what ifs and if onlys I'm missing out on what the Lord has for me today. This very moment holds such promise and purpose. If we aren't focused on Him we miss it in the blink of an eye. Isn't it great when you release yourself from the captivity of the desert and find solace by the river of grace? Have mercy, friends, God is so good. He meets us right where we are. He isn't angry that I'm camping in the past. He sees where I am and He gently nudges me to let go and see from a different perspective.

Think of Danial Boone. He created the Wilderness Road. Can you imagine the work that went in to making this path from yesterday to a new tomorrow? It didn't happen in one day. It was a journey. Oh mercy, the blood, sweat and tears that must have taken place. But we can't be afraid of the work ahead and just camp there. There is glory to be seen! We must see the blessings that bestows because of his vision. He cut a path through a territory. A wild and unknown area. A path less traveled, but one that he was willing to travel. One that without his ambition and determination for more, folks would have  just settled. Never seeing what grand beauty was before them.

Through Daniel's path. His example. His go forth attitude. Others followed and found lives much greater because they too were willing to step out of that comfort into the unknown. These people had motivation. They had spunk! Life wasn't easy, but they were going to enjoy the road before them. They knew there was more beyond each step. Friends, life can be so hard. We see things that we can't explain. Circumstances that don't have answers. But I am finding that with each happening in my life there is something to be learned. There is something to grasp for the road I am to travel next. Even in the times I am feeling a deep sense of pain, I can honestly find God's beauty around me.

We know the Lord has a path for us. His plan is perfection. He sees the past, today and what lies ahead tomorrow. He has cut the pathway for us to follow. He had led us to the pathway that leads to a greater life. That doesn't mean there are not hard times to come. It doesn't mean we aren't going to have to put in some hard work. Change is adamant. It's part of this life here on earth. Through change and growth we become the children of God He has created us to be. With each determined step, our foot prints create a legacy for others to follow. Our lives, our path is to lead others to know Jesus.

We can't just sit back and watch others live life as we are camped out in the past.  We need to jump in and experience the exhibition of His glory while having a front seat view. I'm sure in the days of Daniel Boone there were some very fearful times. Moments that were unsure. Friends, we cannot live in fear. Nothing holds us back more than fear. It's Satan's greatest tool to keeping us right where we are.

Can you see the excitement in Daniel Boone's life? He left behind a legacy. One that shouts, "I'm not afraid. I am charging ahead!" He knew there was more out there and he didn't want to keep it to himself. He wanted to share with others. That is exactly what we are to do. That's our great commission. We are to live a life that shows the world we can leave behind the desert for the river.

"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun." 2 Corinthians 5:17

The past can hold us back from experiencing all God has for us today. God wants more for us. Yes, we must learn from the past. We must grasp hold of all that it can teach us for tomorrow, but we too must let it go if we want to experience today. Aren't you tired? I find myself so tired of living in yesterday. I want to experience new! I want to see all the Lord has for me today. Hoping for a tomorrow that is all the more lasting and glorious. He wants us to let go of yesterday. The hurt, the anger, the resentment. That old life that keeps us in chains. He has the power to release us from the chains of yesterday and expose us to His wonderful grace. We can live in His joy and surround ourselves with His immeasurable love.

"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me." Jeremiah 29:11-13

That's the key, friends. Daniel had a hope. He never gave up. Even when the road was long and hard, he kept trudging through and yes, sometimes that is exactly what it feels like I'm doing. Trudging knee deep through muck and mire. It's saying, "You know, this is hard, but I can do it with my Lord leading the way". It's seeing a God-vision and knowing without a doubt He has more for me. It's trusting Him when I can't see past right now. When all I can see right now are the tears, it's believing that there lies beyond the tears a road of joy. It's dreaming big and trusting God to move on our behalf. There are times I make a mess of things. I get downright lazy in my walk. But praise His sweet and powerful name, He gives me what I need to keep going! We gotta be motivated and determined to not only push through, but to stop and breathe in the beauty of the moment.

Heavenly Father, thank You for carving my road before me. You have given me a path that can only lead to complete perfection through You. Forgive me for the days my feet don't seem to follow. Forgive me when my fears out way my faith. Lord, You have blessed me greatly and I am asking that You help me. Lord, you have given me everything I need for this journey. You have equipped me with the Holy Spirit. All I need to do is listen and be obedient.  You are my Guide for this journey. It's a journey I want to experience with You. It's one that leads to You and with You is right where I want to be.


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