Monday, December 3, 2012

Allow Jesus To Warm Your Heart Today

What's the best way to get over something? Stop talking about it. I have a HUGE problem in trying to fix everything. I pick things apart and try to figure them out. Ya all, sometimes we simply can't figure things out. What can we do? PRAY! Be faithful even when we can't see the ending and just don't understand. God is at work and the best place for Him to begin healing is right in your heart. Let it go today. Let God do what He does and simply get out of the way.

Really. When junk happens in our lives, what do we do? We talk and talk and talk. It's like we live the incident over again every day in hopes we can some how change it or at least figure it out. Friends, sometimes things happen that make no sense. There is no rhyme or reason. People can be mean. Things can be said. Hearts can be broken. But we must remember, we are a broken people. We are all sinners in need of God's grace.
That's easy said, isn't it? I've always had a difficult time forgiving myself, but there are times it's easier to forgive my wrongs and point out the wrongs of another. Ouch! It's true. We see others and we think, "Oh my gosh, how could they do that?", but in that same breath we aren't catching our own failures. Well, maybe we do, but we are able to find excuses for what we do.
God has been working on this fixer's heart for many years now and I'm finally beginning to understand there are things I can't change. Things aren't always suppose to work out according to my vision. As junk carries on around me, I'm not suppose to be fixated on this stuff. I'm suppose to keep my eyes upon the Lord and trust in His will. Sure, that can be hard, but isn't that exactly how faith grows?
I'm suppose to see people with Christ-like eyes. I'm suppose to love with a Christ-like heart. I'm to forgive with a Christ-like grace. Get the picture? It's not about us or even our wants. In surrendering there is trust. There is hope in the unknown faithfulness of a child of God.
He has surprises for us around every corner. We limit Him in so many ways. Just think of the possibilities today holds if we truly surrendered ALL to our Jesus. Each moment belongs to Him and we are blessed to partake of this precious life He has given.

I don't want to wake with disappointment. Frankly, disappointment changes our outlook on just about everything. Most of all our attitude. I want to see the day as an opportunity for my Savior. We keep so much for ourselves. Most of all our time. We are selfish with time, aren't we? Friends, we are busy with what we want to be busy with. If we don't give time to spend with our Savior, why then do we expect Him to give His time to us? Every moment is an opportunity for prayer.  

Lets be real. People disappoint us all the time. Family, friends, and church. Life can just bring disappointment. We must make a choice. We must stop looking to others for things that only Jesus can fulfill in our lives. It is He that makes us whole. He completes who were created to be.   We have to give others room to be imperfect. It's called grace and it's what we are in need of on a daily basis. But it's like we hoard it. We want it for ourselves, but when it comes to others we want to decide if they are worthy to receive. We mess up so often and many times we don't even mean to. I think a big issue is just sharing our time. It's listening and caring. Not about our agenda, but God's.  

The more time we spend with the Lord the more we are going to be a reflection of Him and His love. When we allow Him to live in us and through us, He has the power to change everything. Most of all, the heart of the one who loves Him. He is our treasure and in Him is where we find all we need to live out a life that can bring warmth to the hearts of others.  

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self control. Against such things there is no law."
Galatians 5:22  

"Love is patient, love is kind." 1 Corinthians 13:4a  

"Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye but don't notice the log in your own eye?"
Matthew 7:3  

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable-if there is any moral excellence and if there is any praise-dwell on these things."
Philippians 4:8


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