Saturday, December 31, 2011

The year may be over, but God's still using it to move my heart!

During this time of year we all sit back and reflect upon the year that for some has seemed like a lifetime and for others didn't last long enough. I have been touched by great blessings this year with having my grandchildren being born and celebrating a lot of firsts. My husband has been working now for close to eight months after being laid off for three years. God has shown Himself alive and well in our lives. He has shown me that no matter what happens He is here and He isn't going anywhere.

I too have learned some hard lessons. For this slow learner, sometimes those hard lessons can be of the most value. Why do we wait until the end of the year to evaluate our lives? We make resolutions only to give them up three months down the road. Change is hard at times. Especially when it's change we don't want and not expecting. But change is good. When we remain focused on God change brings us closer to Him. It brings us a little closer to that person God has created us to be.

I can honestly look back over the last year and see myself closer to the Lord in many ways. I want to soak up His Word like never before. I want to bask in His awesome love and I want to love like He does. That's a hard one. He loves without conditions. He loves without expecting something in return. How many of us can really say we love like that? That is one area in my life that He is working on.

Another is to simply stay focused on Him. Stop worrying about what others think and say. I can get so focused on what others think of me, well, I lose all focus of my relationship with Christ. No longer am I worried about making people happy, but pleasing my Savior. Yes, I am that people pleaser. That fix it girl. God is moving in that area of my life too. He is teaching me to just let others be and make my business His business. I want to serve in areas that He is calling me to. I want to touch my community in ways like never before. I want to walk without fear. Remember, God's love casts out ALL fear!

He is teaching me to be comfortable in my own skin. Yes, I too am that girl with a huge self image. I see beauty in others, but find it hard to see in myself. I want to be more honest than ever before. I want to be the best, Robin Prater, that I can be. Not for myself, not for others, but to praise God with the life that He has given me.

I want a life void of drama. Can it be done? Sure it can! It's easy. Drama comes in many ways, but mostly by just trying to know the business of those around you and trying to fix the lives of those around you. That's not my job. That job is way too big for me. That is the job of a God who sees far beyond my vision.

God is teaching me many lessons and part of those lessons are to simply let go of some things. We could throw fear in there, along with some friendships that aren't really real and He too is teaching me that I don't have to be perfect. I'm a work in progress and as long as I am where He is calling me to be than I am doing good.

What do I want from this year? I want to change that and ask, "What does this new year want from me?" I want to serve my God and do so with a heart full of His grace and love. I want to change areas in my life that I have grown comfortable in and have the courage to do so. I want my feet to walk in the steps He has for me. I want to worship with a new heart. A heart less of me and more of Him.

I pray this year that I never expect from others what I myself am not willing to give. I want to talk more and text less. I want to share more and hide less. I simply just want to be real. Most importantly I want to surround myself with people who love me. People who accept me for me and those who encourage and inspire me.

As you bring in this new year I pray that the Lord is your focus. I pray you can see past the hurts and set aside the fears of today and put your faith and trust in a God who loves you more than you could even imagine. Friends, we serve a mighty God. May you find 2012 to be filled with blessing after blessing. May you be able to see beyond those trials and see each one as an opportunity for God to shine through your life.

We are not closing a year, but reflecting on all He has been to us and opening up a new year to experience all He has for us!

Happy New Year, my friends!!

"We  cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude."
Chuck Swindoll

"Nothing paralyzes our lives like the attitude that things can never change. We need to remind ourselves that God can change things. Outlook determines outcome. If we see only the problems, we will be defeated; but if we see the possibilities in the problems, we can have victory."
Warren Wiersbe

"From morning to night keep Jesus in thy heart, long for nothing, desire nothing, hope for nothing but to have all that is within thee changed into the spirit and temper of the holy Jesus."
William Law


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