Wednesday, March 2, 2011

GOD'S PROMISES DEVOTIONAL JOURNAL (365 Days of Experiencing The Lord's Blessings) by Thomas Nelson

My first thought? What a beautiful cover! As I open the pages of this devotional I find words from Sheila Walsh, Billy Graham, John MacArthur, John Hagee, Elisabeth Elliot and many more. Twenty wonderful people of God have come together to put their words together in one culmination to give us added encouragement 365 days of the year as they share with us the Word of God.

As I turn to March 3, I find the scripture heading: "There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." Romans 8:1

Then I find words from Patsy Clairmont:
No condemnation? None? Zip? Zilch? Wow! What a huge truth to get our arms around! Human nature is full of condemnation. I still remember the looks some adults gave me even as a kid. At times I wasn't sure what I had done, but I felt piercing disapproval. As an adult, when I find myself severe in my thoughts toward others who have offended me, I remember Romans 8. Christ freed me from all condemnation when He paid for my failures, mistakes and bone-deep naughtiness, and His forgiveness offers me grace and liberty to forgive others. Whew!

After Patsy's words appears a few simple words to direct me. Some pages hold a question to ponder:
Write Romans 8:1 below and commit it to memory. And the next time you feel condemned (by anyone), quote the verse and claim God's promise for yourself!

What a great devotional. Really. I have been waiting to find the perfect devotional for me. I love the space I can write my own words of thoughts as I ponder over the scripture and words of an inspiration. What an awesome addition to your walk with Christ. An added treasure of wisdom from others who have walked the walked and have faced struggle and greatness in God's promises!

This book was a gift from Thomas Nelson for it's review. 


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