Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just a little tweaking

Last week as I bundled up to go out and check our wood stove I realized I had to put more wood in. So here I am with the wind blowing gathering wood. I open the furnace door to place it in, or I should really say, throw it in, and what happens? My hood flies over my head and my hair ends up in my eyes just as I am about to chuck this huge piece of wood in. I miss. Yes, you heard me right. I missed. I know, only I could do something so silly. Oh, the wood missed the entire hole, but my hand did not. I backed up in pain and pulled my glove off. My hand was already getting swollen. I finished my chore of doing the wood and I might add I did so begrudgingly.

I came inside and felt so dumb. As the day moved forward my hand swelled even more and began turning shades of wonderful color. It hurt to even move my fingers. I began thinking, "Oh gosh, I am going to have to tell my husband I think I broke my hand!!" He comes home from work and looks at my hand and says, "What happened to you? You look like you got angry and decked someone." Oh, yes, have I told you my husband is a bundle of laughs? You know what? My husband places my hand in his and kisses my hand. He caresses it softly and tells me I need some ice. Although he had a giggle, he too knew how badly it hurt. See, he has done the same thing, only he would never want you to know that. LOL Now, there is my little giggle. Now, I must share. My hand is okay. It is still sore to the touch yet today, but nothing is broken.

Now, a few days later I go to get my peepers checked. My eyes are not a whole lot worse for wear, but the doctor said my glasses needed tweaking a bit. He said, "Sometimes it is just that little bit that helps us a whole lot." His words caused me to ponder over them for the next few days.

I felt like the Lord was trying to tell me something and I wasn't quite listening. I had my hood over my head and my hair in my eyes. Don't you think we become a little altered at times? Things are going good, but they could be better. Things are okay, but just a little tweaking would make a whole lot of difference. So, I started looking at my life and I must be honest and say, "I finally got it." Although the Lord is present in my life, He was saying to me, "I want to be there more." These past few weeks I have just been going off my own once again. It was time for me to check myself.

That is what I am going to do all week. Yes, this girl is spending time checking herself. My life with the Lord needs a little tweaking. I think it's getting a little rusty in places and you know what happens with a little rust? More rust. I don't want a rusty walk with the Lord. So, yes, there are a few places that need oiled if you will. Maybe a few of those little holes need patched up a bit. A little tweaking does one good. After all shouldn't we always be tweaking our relationship with the Lord?

Having a writing ministry takes up much time. It is a passion that the Lord has instilled in me. It is a calling that I find much joy in.  For me to keep that alive and working well I need to make sure I am alive and working well. The closer I am to the Lord the more I will hear His call. The more I will understand His call and the more I will willing to move. As He is opening more doors I want to make sure I am hearing Him crystal clear. If that is going to happen there can be no static in the way. I don't want there to be anything in the way of my relationship with the Lord. Too many times lately I find myself asking, "Now why did I do that? Why did I say that? Why am I watching this on television? Why am I tapping my foot to this song? Robin, are you listening to the lyrics?" Oh, the list could go on and on. I want to be used of the Lord and if I am going to be my heart, mind and soul need to be cleared of all clutter and sin taking me away from all He has for me.

You know when you walk through the house and your clothes begin to attach to you? Oh, I hate static. It seems everything clings to you. Well, that is just what sin does. It attaches on and soon we get so tired of picking it all off we leave it there. Well, leaving it there only attracts more. We just gotta be real and keep it real. In all the time I spend writing I need to be spending just as much time if not more with the Lord. You fill in the blank of what takes place over Him in your life. It could be reading. Well, now as a reviewer I might have just a few too many books that are stacking up against my bible. My bible should always remain on top. Oh, it's hard to clear out all that static we allow to cling to us. We might have to put our clothes through the wash a few times and add a touch more of softener. Just a little tweaking does the trick.

We allow our eyes to be covered with too much stuff around us. When we do, we miss the mark and we end up feeling the brunt of that hit. It doesn't matter how big the hole is, if our eyes are covered we are not going to see clearly. It's good to take some time and just see if we are where we need to be. I should be able to look back one year and find myself closer to the Lord today. If I am finding myself further away, well, my life needs some tweaking. I should even be able to see change occurring in my life daily. I should be walking in such a way that I am always looking to improve my relationship with the Lord.

I am taking  a few days away from the computer and seeking direction from the Lord. If my life needs tweaking, He is the One I want doing the tweaking. Soul searching is opening everything up and allowing the Lord to show us areas that need tweaked so His blessings can flow continously through us bringing glory and honor to Him. He needs to be the One in the lead. I just need to hold His hand and follow.  So, how is your walk? Have you found yourself getting a little lost lately? Maybe missing the mark? Let go of all the stuff that is clinging to you and cling to the One who loves you most.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way of everlasting." Psalm 139:23-24


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