Sunday, October 17, 2010


Ever think about grace? God's grace is for everyone. All we must do is accept it. There are many books out there on grace, but this is one of the best I have read. Andy takes each chapter and brings stories we have read in the bible and brings to light the grace we may have missed in each one. It was an "aha" moment for me when he shared the story of the prodigal son. This story was about two sons. The third story was God's and the grace He had given both sons. We fight grace because we can't believe it is free and it is for everyone. If you are struggling with grace and understanding why Jesus would want to give you grace this book is for you. It would be a great blessing to a new Christian and one just learning about the love of God. What better place than to begin with grace. We go from the Old Testament to the New Testament and we learn stories from Andy's life that show us the picture of grace. Grace is real and it is for you and I. All we must do is accept it.
From pages 216-217
"In His story, He loves you no matter what you have done.
In His story, He doesn't love you because of what you've done.
In His story, He could not love you more and He will never love you less.
It's a better story.
It's a true story.
It's a story of grace.
The grace of God!"

About the book:
None of us deserve what God offers, a life free from sin and hope for a glorious future, but unbelievably it's ours for the taking. Why? Because of God's grace. The unmerited favor, the lavish love and kindness he pours out on us, and has, since Creation.

But if it's so available then why do we live a grace-less life? Why are our churches filled with disillusioned Christians, weary of religion's demands, struggling with personal defeat because of issues or behaviors?
Join pastor Andy Stanley as he traces grace through the Old and New Testament, observing God's grace at work in the lives of some of the best, and worst, characters. He also uses personal stories from his own life to reveal how grace is not a natural response but is the most essential one. Together these stories unravel the mystery of grace and tell of its transforming power to set us free.

This book was a gift from Thomas Nelson for it's review.


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