Friday, September 10, 2010


I have yet to pick up a Max Lucado book I did not love. This one is no exception. This book takes us on a ride through the book of Acts. Touching many different people who stepped outside the box for Christ.In today's world we see many hurting people. We wonder at times if we can make a difference. We wonder if by just our one life can we really change another. Max reminds us we are not just here for today, but we need to make an impact for tomorrow. We are here to make a difference. We can make a difference in our life and in those around us if we will just reach out. Simple as that. Reaching others is going to take letting go of ourselves and trusting God with our lives for His will and purpose. He has a plan and that plan in part is reaching others for His glory and honor. We must find room to give. We must find time to share. We must find it in our hearts to remember Christ not only died for us, but for ALL. Through His death we have life. Through our life we can touch others in a way we never dreamed of just by opening up our hearts and seeing others as Christ sees them. I loved this book. I learn so much from Max Lucado. A man who is humble and simply uses the gifts God gave him to reach others. Heaven only knows what one kind act will do. One kind act can reach another and then another. If we would all give and share from our hearts there wouldn't be anyone left to reach.
This book was a gift from Thomas Nelson for it's review.


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