Tuesday, May 25, 2010

loving this newest gadget

Okay, when I come to my blog now I can see that there are people visiting from all across the world and this just humbles me and amazes me all at once! I am loving this little visitor gadget. Who knew? I sure didn't. I had no idea of all of you who are visiting and I just have to say, "Thank you".
I used to look over at those little numbers, and and judge my blog by them. The Lord has given me the peace to know I am serving Him whether there is one or one thousand. Although numbers do not matter, now I can look over and give praise if there is a new follower, and what an awesome honor that is.
I really don't like that name "Follower" they have given. I would rather it be, "Friendly Reader" or something along those lines. I just feel connected to so many, and all over the world!

What a blessing to know others are stopping in and I would have never known. This not only encourages me, but keeps me on my toes. You are my accounting friends, those who see my writing each day, and I feel accountable to those reading. May all you read bring glory and honor to God.

I just had to share today what a real treat this little gadget is. You know, just through writing, reading and sharing we are all connected, and who doesn't need more sisters and brothers crossing their paths? And what other connection could be better than to be connected through Christ!


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