ya wanna hear Him laugh?
If you would like to hear the Lord laugh, just tell Him what you have planned! You know He has to have a sense of humor, right? Just who do we really think we are making our own plans, even making plans for tomorrow? We try to do our own thing, make our own way without even thinking twice about asking Him for direction, for His purpose and plan for us. Then when all fails, things just don't go as planned we tend to get mad, throw a pity party of sorts and wonder just why it didn't work out. Well, it didn't work out because it was not in His plan for us, and we didn't go to Him first. Why oh why to we try as might to make a success of things without consulting Him first? When God created us He made a plan for our lives, He breathed life into us, and His purpose was for us to bring glory to His name. I see plans failing all around me, I see others not following Christ and it is so sad, for the time they are trying to find their own way, the time being wasted on selfish gain, desires of the heart, just think what we could achieve if we totally surrendered to Him, gave all to Him and trusted our lives with Him? Just think of the glory we could bring if we just stopped trying to make it on our own, and allowed Him to live in us, move in us and do His will and way in us? How long does it take for us to realize life is not life without living it for Him? Some come to Christ as children and live their whole lives for Him, some come later in life as I did, some come when they are old and gray, and some never come at all. Jesus gave us a free will, He doesn't force Himself on us, but He so desires for us to come to Him and allow Him to give us real life, not just life but abundant life. For those prodigals that are being prayed for, that Christ is seeking and knocking, its time to turn away from the world, turn away from the fleshly desires that attack us, and turn to the loving God who gave all for us. He didn't just die for one, He died for all. His blood was shed for His love for us. His Father had to turn away from His Son on the cross because He was covered with our sin, the sin that His blood covered once and for all. He was the sacrifice so that we could have life. Who are we to say just how we want to live our lives? Who are we to have a choice? When He calls we should answer, when He sends we should go, and when He speaks we should listen. We were bought with a price, that price was Christ's blood. Our debt is paid in full by the One who loves more than any other. We live our lives so selfishly, we live wanting things not to be hard, but to be easy. We want everything to be so easy, and we want it right now. Life doesn't work that way. Sometimes life is hard, sometimes trials come, tragedy falls, but life is not over when we have Christ in our hearts, when we totally sell ourselves out for Him. Those trials mold us, they teach us, they shape us into who He has created us to be. We try our best to get our way, and sometimes at a cost that will last a lifetime. I remember being small and asking my daddy for something, if he didn't say yes right away, I begged and pleaded with him until yes, I got my wish, my way, but ya know what? Most of the time it wasn't worth it. I didn't need the things I was asking for, I just wanted them to fit in, to feel better and to say,"Look what my daddy did for me." Our heavenly Father did something so great for us, we didn't have to beg or plead for it, He gave us life with grace. My heavenly Father has given me the greatest gift of all, His love doesn't come with a price, it is free and full of mercy. He doesn't give us all we want and desire, He instead gives us all we need right when we need it. When He says no, instead of having a pity party, we need to look at it as He has something so much greater for us. He has blessings for us that we cannot fathom, blessings that we do not deserve, but He loves us so much He wants to bring us joy, real lasting joy, not short lived fun, not wishful ideas that are going to hurt us in the end, but longlasting joy that is overflowing straight from His heart. I don't know where you are today, but its time we begin looking at Him for our plan and purpose, not our sister or brother, friend or neighbor, but listen to our Father who loves us so much, that He not only gave His life, but planned out just the perfect life for us, one that will not only bring Him glory, but will bring us joy and peace. Are you tired of searching for your way in this world? Don't search your heart, don't try to find what will bring you happiness, that only lasts a short while, but seek our Lord and Savior, He will guide you in the right path~ Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Psalm 25:4-5 "Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; On You I wait all the day." Psalm 16:11 "You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."