put your hands up!
Remember your child as they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar? They seemed to say,"Mommy, I didn't take one", only to have chocolate all over their face. How do we respond as adults when we are caught? Do we say we are sorry just to move on, and because we are caught, or are we really sorry for our actions? There are those times Jesus finds our hand in the cookie jar, places where we shouldn't be, actions that should not be taking place, and deeds all done for selfish gain. We may think we are fooling others, but we cannot fool God, if we think we can, we are the ones being foolish. So many times we are one way in front of our church friends, our Pastor, our family, but when we are alone tells our real character. What we do behind closed doors tells us just where we are with Jesus. The amazing thing is, we are accountable to God, and at times we act as if He cannot see what we are doing. Many times one hand is doing what the other is not. Who are we really trying to fool? Ourselves or God? There are those who speak lies with every breath, thinking they are fooling the one listening, but a lie always shows its face, the truth always comes out, so why not just be honest? God gave us the commandments to live by, they are not for us to pick and chose which ones we like and those we don't we can just leave aside. He meant for us to obey each one. If we are putting God first, really putting Him first in our lives, then we will obey our parents and respect them, if we are respecting and obeying our parents, then we too will respect those teachers who give their time for us. When we respect ourselves, we learn to respect others, and our actions always come back to our relationship with God. If we are close to Him, we know we are accountable for every act and every word we speak. If we are not close to Him, and we are living our own life, we will soon see the consequences to our actions. I didn't get into alot of trouble when I was a child, but on those occasions that I did, I knew I had done wrong, I knew when I was riding my bike across the road I was not to do that for fear of getting hit by a car. But as my mom and dad had seen me, they later asked me about it, do you think I told the truth? Nope, not this girl who thought she was smart, I told a lie, but my parents already knew what I had done, so my consequences were not riding my bike for a few weeks, and getting a spanking, that my dad said,"You know this is hurting me worse than you!" At the time I didn't believe him, until I too had to disipline my own children, it does hurt to disipline, but the funny thing about disipline is that it is done with love. If you do not love your child you are never going to tell them they are doing wrong. If you love your child, you will continue to lead them in the right way, keep them from harm and protect them with your wisdom. When we love those around us, we are going to tell them if they are doing wrong. Its not judging, its not saying I am better, it is a simple act of love. Just as if your friend is drunk and getting ready to get into his car, are you going to be the friend who laughs and walks away or will you be the friend who shows love and grab those keys so they do not kill themselves or someone else? God took our disipline upon the tree He was crucified on. As our Father, yes, he took our punishment, and it hurt Him much more than us. Just as I remember the look in my Mother's eyes when I disobeyed, I cannot fathom the look of my Savior when I disobey Him. He gave all for me, He gave His life for my ugly sins, so that I could have life. As parents we sacrifice much for our children, we don't sacrifice to get a pat on the back, we sacrifice for the love we have for them. Just as Jesus sacrificed Himself for us. He sacrificed all for love. When we say we are sorry to those we have hurt, when we say sorry to those who have caught us in an act of sin, what do you do? Do you run, do you hide your face, do you get down on your knees and go to God? I struggle everyday, and just as I go to my Savior asking for forgiveness, telling Him I am so sorry, I also must open my heart to hear the words He lays there for me to think upon. It just isn't a one way conversation. When we mess up and go to Jesus asking forgiveness, we too must listen. A conversation is between two people, not just one. Our actions and our words tell much about us, most of all if Jesus is Lord of our lives. Today can be the day you turn to Him, it can be the day that He gives you grace and forgiveness if you are ready to go to Him with an open heart and hear all He has to say. He speaks to us through His word, and wouldn't be nice if we were all caught reading His word on His return? Wouldn't it be nice to be caught doing His will and way in our lives when He returns? And for that time being, as we are waiting upon the return of our Savior, wouldn't it be nice to just being caught loving Him and living each day for Him, for if He is our focus, than all else will just fall in line. His forgiveness is always there, we just have to be humble, be honest with ourselves, and know that He is God~ Psalm 130:1-8 "Out of the depths I have cried to You, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning- Yes, more than those who watch for the morning. O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is abundant redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities."