those little whispers
Today the Lord whispered to me to spend more time with Him. Isn't it amazing how we have a loving God who wants to walk with us even though we are sinners? We have a loving God who yearns to spend time with us, and many times I am placing other things above my time spent with Him. I wake and start my day out and by the time I have made time for Him, it is bedtime and I am falling asleep. I spend so much of my time just for me, when I should be making time for my Savior who wants to speak with me, He wants to lead me, and walk with me. Why is it that for all He has done for me, I turn away and do for myself? If I can sit and write, read a book or do any other activity and not make time for God in my day, I am not walking with Him, and I am not sharing a personal relationship with Him. To walk with Him, to know Him and to feel His presence I must turn to Him, and turn away from the things distracting me. Psalm 23:3 " He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake." He whispers His love to me, and as I walk with Him He will restore my soul. For whatever it is on my heart, He wants to know. But having a relationship is not just me talking, having a relationship with Christ is a two-way conversation. I cannot just go to Him and tell Him all I want and need, say all my prayers fast, because I have more to do. I must take time and listen as He speaks to me, as He shares His will for me, as He talks to His daughter. Many times I think I am fearful to spend time with Him, for I am afraid of just what He might ask of me. But look at what He did for us, look at the love He showed us upon the cross, doesn't He deserve our time? For us to be all He created us to be we must spend time with Him and in His word. Soaking in all He has for us. Prayer is a conversation between Jesus and us. We make time to talk to all we want to in our busy days, so why do we not make more time for God? We have a direct line to Him, we don't have to go through our phone and get a busy signal, or a voice mail, He never says, "Not now", He is always there for us. I cannot just go to Him when I feel a need, I need to keep that communication line open all day, open up my heart and allow Him to live in me, and through me to reach others. Time with Jesus is something special, its a time to crawl up in His lap, feel His arms around you, and listen as He speaks right to our hearts. Remember when you were small and you could crawl upon your daddies lap or your momma's lap? Maybe they would just hold you, or maybe they would make you laugh, wipe your tears away or read you a story, was that not a wonderful feeling? Even for your children, I miss my children being on my lap and me hugging them and loving on them, although my son still lays his head on me as we watch television together. Our children are never too big to want to be and to feel loved, after all isn't that what we want? Isn't it what we are seeking when we go to Christ, to crawl up on His lap, to feel His love and to know that no matter what we are safe in His arms? Listen to the whispers of our Savior, is He asking you to spend more time with Him too?