I find myself thinking am I giving all I have each day for the Lord. I would like to find myself in the presence of the Lord one day and be able to say I have nothing more to give, I have given all you gave me to give. Too much time is wasted on just me, what I want to do, how I feel and my crabby self thinking I need so much more. If I spent all the time I have in a day living for the Lord I know without a doubt more would get done. If I spent each day asking God,"Where, what, and how can I serve You today", my life would reflect God and His love. But I don't do that, I spend my days thinking where, what can I do and how am I gonna do it! So much of flesh lives out my days instead of allowing Christ to have all of me to live out each moment for Him. In my words, my deeds, all of my actions, they should all be showing Christ. I do not know when Jesus will come again for us, but when He does come I want to be so into His work that when I see Him face to face He will look to me and say, "Well done my faithful daughter", but I am afraid too many times I skip out on all He has for me to do, maybe in fear, maybe in not understanding, but mostly isn't it because we have something better to do for ME? We should have no fear, we should have no misunderstanding, for if we are walking with Christ we will hear His words and know just where He is guiding us. And if I am really listening, I will hear Him telling me to leave myself and follow Him. I want to live a life that is totally sold out for Christ. I want to live each day praying, loving and making each moment count for the glory of God. I don't want to live this life for myself, I want to leave behind a legacy leads straight to Christ, my Savior, My Everything. My heart is singing for Him today, and I don't want to lose that, I want to see Him in the morning, throughout my day, and in the evening as I lay my head down. When I lay my head down I want to look back throughout my day and know without a doubt I gave all for Him. For if I can just get through my stubborn head, it has nothing to do with me, life is all about Christ, being a vessel for Him, and my life should point straight to Him, not to myself. For without Him I am nothing, I know where all my blessings come from, I know His peace, His grace, and I have felt His mercy. Where are you today? May we ask God to breath His breathe in us, to live in us each step of our day and when we are faced with trials and temptations of our flesh may we run, run and call out to Him for strength. When I stumble and when I fall may I go humbly to Him in His grace and ask forgiveness of my sin that has caused me to fall. I want to run with Jesus, I want to feel His presence with me each day, each step. For everything I am, for everything I do is all Jesus. May today be the day we decide to come alive with Jesus, let go of ourselves, and let Him shine through us, so one day when we see Him face to face we can say I have given all you gave me. 2 Corinthians 9:6-9 " But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. and God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: He is depersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever."