serving God or ourselves
When I began writing my blog I started out with the premise of honoring God, and serving Him with the gifts that He has given me. I had been keeping a journal for years, so now the difference is I am able to reach many with all that Christ has done, is doing and will do for me. It is a blessing being able to share from my heart to yours. I have had so many people ask me, "When are you going to get paid for writing?" See I have had a few writings in an on line mag, and soon will have another. As a friend shared with me today, it takes time for a book to come about. It doesn't happen in one day, and it takes time to learn and to grow in Christ. As I have said from the very beginning, my writing is for Christ and Him alone. I want to bring honor and glory to His name and reach others to know Him on a higher level, to share the struggles I have gone through, so just maybe others can see Him in my life. We all have struggles and if we share, we can help others understand we are never alone. Although our struggles may be different, they are still struggles. Everything I do I want to bring glory to God, now, I do falter there, because I know when I have messed up and tripped, falling flat on my face before God asking Him to forgive me and change me to who He wants me to become. I read so many blogs that have touched my life, and devotionals that lift me up daily. If we are not living and doing all for Christ, then just what is the point? To see your name in lights is appealing, but that is a fleshly feeling, and its not going to bring joy as it would if we were placing God's name in lights for all to see. As a friend sent me a devotional today, thinking of me, she blessed me to tears as always. (she has the power to do that to others with her kindness) She is one who has encouraged me from the start, she is one who tells me to keep going forward, not listening to what others say, but to serve Christ in all I do. To help out here at home I began making scarves. I love to make scarves. I am going to place them in a friends shop for sale in time for fall and the holidays. My problem is that when I make one, I think its really pretty and I want to so much to keep it and wear it But as my friend gave me advice, she said, "To pray over each one and the one who will wear the scarf." Whatever we do, we should be serving Christ and giving Him glory of all. We would have no gifts if it were not for Him. Even though the economy is hard, and my husband is still out of work, looking tirelessly, we still have to serve Christ in all we do, and I have found out, during this time, God has provided every need we have, and we may not be able to go shopping alot, we may not have steak for dinner, but we have had so many blessings from others that touch us, knowing those blessings are coming from Christ, from brothers and sisters in Christ is a blessing that cannot go unnoticed. Serving God not only blesses Him, but all that we are serving, and all who we are serving are getting a rich blessing too. When we do things for Christ's gain, for His kingdom, it gives so much more than we could ever imagine. We will not know all the people we have touched until heaven. It is on that day that we will meet those we shared with and loved Christ with. One blessing goes a long way, touching one, than other and so on until many are touched by one persons heart that is an open vessel for God. If you are writing, sewing, working in a kitchen, a highway worker, a doctor, whatever it is that God has called you to do, do it all for Him, not our gain. When we are only out to gain for ourselves, we are missing so many opportunities to bless others because we were not able to take our eyes off of ourselves. We should be serving with a cheerful heart, a giving heart, and a heart full of compassion to others. Just as every choice we make effects not only us but those around us, blessings are just the same. For every one we choose to allow for another, it not only effects them, but us. Blessings are contagious, they spread when we choose to take our eyes off our wants and think of others needs. And who doesn't need to be blessed? I can say we have not always given our tithe, but when we do, we might be thinking at times, we are going to be short, it never happens that way, we always end up right where we need to be or we end up having more. God blesses those who serve Him. A kind word, a word of encouragement to one, a card, a note, even a letter just asking how are you, is a rich blessing. And God always seems to place others on our hearts just as the right moment. "He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor." John 12:25-26 "For even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24 For all that we do, may we have open hearts and serve God with all we have, giving Him the glory and honor, leaving us in His shadow.