What is the cost of your ransom?
As we are living a free life in Jesus Christ today, there was a cost to Christ. Christ paid our ransom with His own blood, His own mangled body, His own life was given so that we may live, and live free in Him. He gave all so that we could live each day. Although some have not been set free yet, their ransom has already been paid. All they must do is go to Christ and ask Him to enter their heart. I remember the day I was set free, the day I realized my ransom was paid, and paid in full. It was a feeling as I was sitting in church that just washed over me, I felt the Holy Spirit move my heart and my feet forward to my Pastor.It is hard to me to fathom just how many times I have sinned in my life. Combine my sins with the sins of the worlds people, and that is what Christ died for, His blood was shed for my filthy sins. Although my sin brought on Christ's death, He died loving us, for us to live with Him forever. To know those nails were for me, the shed blood should have been mine, the cross was mine to bare, and Christ crawled upon the cross for every man and woman, boy and girl. His love covers all, and His mercy and grace are given freely. For me to think of the pain He bore out of love for all of us brings tears to my eyes. No words can express the love and thankfulness I feel for what He did for me. To think that each of our sins were cast upon Him, to know each one, each selfish sin of mine caused Him to die, I can only say Holy Holy Holy is our God almighty. If anyone knows how words hurt, its Jesus. If anyone knows the pain of gossip, Jesus does. If anyone knows the pain of having your children turn against you, its Jesus. If anyone knows the pain of being mocked, its Jesus. All that touches us, has already touched Him. He knows our pain, our hurts, and our blessings. We should be living each day for Christ, each day we should be giving our time to Him. Do we? Shamefully, I have to say I do not. I can say I love the Lord, I live for Him, but my days do not always show my love for Him, they show my love for myself and my selfish ways. Whatever the cost of our lives, however high the ransom was, Christ was ready to pay and to pay in full with His life. He paid our ransom and now its time for us to pay it forward. Its time for us to live a life that Christ wants for each of us. It is time to give back all that He has given us. Our world is dying right in front of us, what are we to do? We should be out doing all Christ leads us to do. If that means giving our time, giving all we have, or giving our life, we should be willing to lay down our lives for a brother in Christ. Today as you live and breathe your ransom has been paid, now its up to you how you live each day, so whats it going to be? We either live for Him or for ourselves. His gift was given in love and is a forever gift for us to cherish. It is the one thing that will never die. Today is a blessing, each breathe is a blessing. We have blessings upon blessings, may we change our thoughts today, and live and breathe for Him and for Him alone.. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45 "For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time." 1 Timothy 2:5-6a