Do you want to go a little higher?
Do you ever here people say,"I'm so bored, I wish there was something to do?" I do not like that comment, cause for me, there is always something to do. I remember as a kid, I played outside all day, and half the night, there was so much to do that I was hardly ever in the house. Today, we have a problem with computers, television and texting. Our children and adults have become consumed by technology. We allow the television to be our babysitter, although the computer can be used for good, our children can be on it all day and hours at night. When they have doctors on television speaking about tendonitis in the thumbs from texting none stop, I believe we have a problem. We don't pick up the phone anymore and hear someone's voice, its easier to text. We don't invite others to our home, because we are just too busy, and we can just send an email. What happened to being personal with each other? I think we have lost so much of that. Instead of living with our hearts and reaching out to others, we live in the land of technology. Yes, moving forward is good, but while we move forward what are we giving up? I am just as guilty of this as the next person and I am ashamed to have to admit that. We have become so consumed with ourselves that if it has to deal with something outside our circle, we just don't have time. We don't make time for people anymore, we just make time for what we want to do. Life today is not harder than long ago, we just have more toys and selfishness to consume us. This week I heard someone say,"Oh, I couldn't think of giving this week I had too many problems of my own!" If we can take our eyes off ourselves for five minutes, we could begin to see just all that takes our time. We fill our days with things that really don't have to be there. We as christians should be spreading the gospel, we should be reaching out to others, we should be consumed with Christ. When we turn our eyes to Him, all else falls into place. We are too busy, because we overbook our days with things that we want. If it was something we wanted, we would make time, but when we may have to give a little, that changes the whole story for us. At times sadly, people think,"I have a hard enough time taking care of myself, why should I help others?" That is the wrong attitude for us to have. Its when we give our time to Christ, that He will fill us with His spirit, take out all the junk in our lives, and replace it with His will in our lives. Reaching out to others not only blesses them, but it blesses us to see them filled with love. We were never meant to keep Jesus all to ourselves, we were meant to share Him, serve Him and others in our days. When we stop making time for others, when we are so tied up in technology, we are losing valuable blessings. Does this fit you? Because at times it does me. May we get out of our circle, may we turn our eyes to Christ and His people in need, and those who have not heard of Him. Our world is hurting and in such need, because we have become so self absorbed, we can't see past ourselves,our lives, our wants, and our needs. Its when we open our hands and arms to others that Christ shines through us. Don't allow technology to overtake your life, leaving behind what is important, the value of being personal. What do you have time for today? Who do you have time for? Our lives should be open to those around us, and those who are reaching out to us, may we take their hand and lift them up to Christ. Just hearing someone's voice can be a blessing, receiving a hand written letter from an old friend, can bless the soul. Looking into the eyes of another can say many words that are unspoken. Bless someone today, make a change. We don't always have to be moving forward with the world, its okay to take from the past and touch someone today... "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit." Psalm 51:10-12 For us to go a little higher, we must give a little more. We must allow Christ to show us His ways, and its when we totally give up ourselves that He will take us a little higher. We don't want to say, "I am are bored", we want to say,"Lord, fill my heart with your spirit." For us to go to higher heights, we have to learn to let go, and let God take the lead. If your ready to fly, He can take you there. How far do you wanna go? Right there in your living room, or as high as He can take us? He is ready and waiting for you to jump aboard. "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength, They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not grow faint." Isaiah 40:31