Saturday, July 18, 2009

Walking in the light of a new day...

As I woke this morning with the windows open, the breeze blowing in, and the smell of fresh air on my blankets I knew today was a wonderful day. As I sit here at my computer tonight listening to the frogs and the chatter of the night I feel so overwhelmingly blessed. As I walked today hand in hand with my husband and my son at my side through the park,watching the fish,and seeing the quick stream of the waterfall, I knew God had touched the day with His love. I can see, hear, taste and smell God all around me. He is in everything, and He made everything with His hands. He gave us our senses to really experience who He is. Today He just showed Himself to me through all I had the pleasure of seeing, and seeing it all with my family made it even more blessed. If I had to wake a day without God I wouldn't want to wake at all. I cannot even fathom not having Him in my life. I am nothing without Him. He is in all that is good. I cannot reproduce what He has done. No man can. As I walk I need to watch my steps, keep my eyes open at all around me, and look beyond myself and look at all God is doing. He has given the greatest gift of all, Himself. With all the sounds around me, all I really need to do is close my eyes, listen and be still. Its amazing when we see a new light in Christ, when He shows Himself, and we are able to stand back in awe at just how glorious He is. I want to walk a new way, I want to live a new day, I want to know God in a passionate way. I want to see what He has set before me, I want to hear all He has to say, I want to touch all with a humble heart, and I want to taste life in a new way. If we want to walk a different way, we have got to change our step, let go, and wake up to all His glory around us...


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