feeling small.....
Yesterday I was driving with my son. On our way home we looked up and noticed just how big the clouds were. They were growing by the minute,seeming to pile on top of one another.Just huge puffy white clouds,that made me feel so small in comparison. My son was taking pictures of them,his newest hobby,and was just in awe of them. All through the drive I kept thinking just how small I really am. All around me I see just how big God really is. In His creation all is a wonder to me. In His people, all have the talents that He has bestowed upon them,and the gifts to share with others. In His word, He is so magnificent, He is undeniably God of all. Even in the smallest of His creation as a firefly,or a dragonfly,I still feel just how small I really am. In life we can get puffed up, we can get a big head, we can start thinking the world revolves around us, we can become selfish, we can begin to think we have done great deeds. In our world we live in today,it teaches us to think we are important,we are special,we deserve all things coming our way. Our world teaches us that no one else matters. We can be in the big lights of Broadway, under the Hollywood glamor,or in our newfound glamorous home and think we are pretty big. We can make the amazing deal at work and begin to think,wow,look what I did. In our lives we seem to put too many "I's and "Me's" in our sentences. As our universe revolves around the sun, we all revolve around the Son. From the first day of creation to the last,all comes back to our God. Even the day of rest we so enjoy comes right back to God. Our minutes,hours,days,months,years,all begin with God. Our calender years are tuned in to Christ's birth and His death. Wherever we are on this planet,whatever we are doing,nothing is bigger than God. We can look to the biggest planet to the smallest atom,God created all around us. It takes much more faith to believe in ourselves and evolution,than it does believing that our mighty God created all and blessed all. Faith is believing in the unseen,not just the seen.We can't see air around us,but we know its there. We can't see the cool breeze blowing,but we know its there. We can't feel the earth moving and turning,but we know it does. We can't see gravity,but we know its there. All we have to do is look around and see God all around us. Even taking my mom to the eye specialist to tell her she needs a cornea transplant,watching all the machines work,taking picutures, seeing things that you can't see with the necked eye,made me feel so small. God gave everything around us, He blesses us everyday. While driving,you may think your running late,and then up ahead you see an accident,that if it were not for you being late,you could have been in. When you witness a miracle,we don't always God's hand move,but it does. The woman in the backseat of your car is sharing something you desperatly needed to hear,and then you turn around and she is gone. An angel just came for a visit. Do we always see them? Do we see the battles going on all around us between the demons and the angels? No, its the unseen,but God's word tells us its there. If you are like me,at times we can think we are bigger than we are,and something comes along just to show us,just to knock us off our horse,to share with us that we really aren't as big as we think. God showed me this week,just how big He really is. I feel His presence everywhere I go. I see Him in the faces that go by me. I see His love in my friends. I see His mercy in my life,along with His grace. All can be unseen,but if we look up,if we look how God wants us to really see,we will see all His beauty and glorous wonder all around...