6 lbs. 8 ounces of love....
Twenty-one years ago today I had my first child. My first blessing. My first babygirl. My true first love. My life changed forever on that day twenty-one years ago. She was 6 lbs. and 8 ounces of tiny love. She was my bundle of joy. My laughter. My everything. I counted all ten fingers and ten toes. Looked into her blue eyes and said I love you for the first time. Held her tiny finger for the first time. Its funny how life passes so quickly when we think time is standing still. Years go by so very fast. I enjoyed each and every moment of her childhood. Picking daisies,leaping for frogs,catching lizards and snakes. Declairing the back yard in her best Columbus accent as America. Each dress, each pig tail and bow. Each scraped knee, each kiss good morning,each hug just to tell me she loved me. Those firsts are memories that never leave. Its odd that we forget many things,but we never forget the birth of our child, the firsts, so much we hold so close, not knowing how life is going to be,not knowing what each turn will bring.,but praying each night over her, praying that life will bring love,laughter,and blessings for her whole lifetime. When she was born I knew then just how special she was. She is a smart, beautiful woman now. I see her childhood memories, her growth, and see her surrounded by love. We never really understand what love is until we have a child. That love, that bond that ties you together forever. As I go through pictures of her and I, I see a melody of her life. Each moment special. She is making her own sweet music now, walking on her own, and making her mark on this life. Beauty does not even describe just who she is, she is much more. Today is dedicated to her, her life, her love, and the day God gave me a special gift from heaven to love,to lead, to guide, to treasure, to laugh with, to grow with, and to raise for His glory. She is who she is today,not because of me,but because of the Lord. She is a strong woman now, with the heart of a child still. She is full of life,love, and places her touch everywhere she goes. My prayers have changed over the years. Now, I pray that He will bring us together again, to bring glory and honor to Him. I pray for a reunion, a day that we can once again look into each others eyes and say I love you. Hug each other and know all is peace. For now, today,I wish my daughter the best, all the blessings the Lord has to give her. I pray she knows where my heart is, how much I love her, and how much I miss her. She is quite special,the world will see that as she makes her mark on this earth. As she continues to grow as a woman, I pray one day soon we can have coffee together, to laugh together, and to look back and see God was with us every step, and there was a purpose and plan for all that has touched our lives. God bless you today Ash. I say Happy Birthday with all the love I have in my heart. I will walk by faith, even when we are on this broken road, I know one day God will bring us together again. I praise His name for you today, and everyday from here to come....blessings my sweet babygirl....