Sunday, March 29, 2009

Wandering in the desert

Do you ever feel like your wandering in the desert like an Israelite? I do,sometimes on a daily basis. The Israelites were blessed by God so many times,and would follow Him,then turn away,and wander trying to find their own way.God was leading them,He was loving them,but still they kept turning away on their own.I don't want to walk in the desert any longer.I feel like I have been there long enough trying to find my way through all the pain,and hurt of this world. We are just like the Israelites.They see Gods blessings and know He is there,then for some reason they turn away and try to make their own way.It never worked for them,so why is it so hard for us to grasp this? As mothers,and as women we are nurturing,we are fixers,we see things and we think we know how they should be done.We see the wrongs and want to make it right.That isn't our job.That job belongs to God,and only Him.If we are loving Him with all our hearts,His love will shine through us,and He and He alone will make things new,and bright.He will bless us.It may not be with the worldly things we so are after,but it will be blessings in our hearts.We shouldn't be lost, the only compass we need is Christ. He will lead the way out of the desert if we will get out of the way and allow Him to do His will and way,only then will we see what He is doing,and feel the blessings of our Father by knowing we are fearfully and wonderfully made,and putting all our trust in Him,and Him alone. The desert is a lonely place,full of hurt and burdens we just keep carrying through the desert that makes our trip that much harder.It is time to let all the hurt and burdens go,lighten our load,and let Jesus carry all that we were never meant to carry.Have you been in the desert too long as I have? Its time to turn our sandels in a new direction,and let Him lead us out.


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