Many things happen in our lives, from our childhood to the present day. We wake up everyday,and we wake with a choice, we can be bitter or better. We cant change things of the past, we cant even change others, but we can change ourselves and how we react to situations around us.Some things and people hurt us to the core, and we think we will never recover. We can let that hurt overtake us, or we can choose to see the great things around us. If we give into the pain of the past, we let it consume us, and it overtakes everything about us. Dont let the past become your future, let it go, and with it let the pain go, the hurtful words, and painful past.Look ahead to what Christ has instore, give Him the chance to bless us each day, if we stay in our pain that is the only thing we will see. Bitterness will make you ugly, it will change you deeply, dont for one minute let that win and rule you day. Live and live to the fullest, with forgiveness and mercy. Put the past where it belongs, we cant go back, we cant change things that happened,but we can decide for right now, what we will do, with Christ by our side, anything is possible.We can learn from the past, and be better for it. Remember its not the people who hurt us, its satan attacking through them, what better way to hurt us then through our loved ones and friends? Dont give satan another day of your heart. Give it all to Jesus, and let Him move you and live in you giving you all that you need. Stop searching in the past for redemption and reasons why, just look forward and at you have and live for today, live with a joy that overflows inside that only comes from our Father and He is the reason why,we should live each day with Him at our side and forgive those who chose not be on your side......