lay it down, pick it up, lay it down!
Had a sweet friend call me a few days ago with a great heartache. That same day I had one of my own, but didn't share with her, for she needed me at the time, so I was to listen to her heart as the tears fell. After talking, I realized we have been facing our trials for a few years now, and as soon as we put them down, we pick them right back up again.How many of you play this same game as we do? We lay our burdens down, only to pick them right back up again. We know we cannot change things, but as a Mother, don't you wish you could? It is so hard to see your children hurt, make the wrong choices, and not be able to help them in any way. As Mothers we face many trials. I remember my Mom saying,"When they are small they will walk on your feet, and when they are older they will walk on your heart." Never really understanding her, until I too faced trials that I never thought I would. Motherhood is a blessing that God has given us, each moment we share with our children is such a gift, but there are those days you are in the wilderness, not sure how your going to get out. Its in those times that we get on our knees and pray without ceasing. I know that I cannot change situations, I cannot fix all that is broken, I cannot step in and make things as they once were, but what I can do is get on my knees and pray for my children. Pray until I have run out of words, and as the tears are still falling, Jesus will intercede and speak what needs to be spoken. Whether you face trials with your children, your family, a friend, a co-worker, a sister or brother, you are not alone. Jesus knows just what you are facing and He is there, He is in the battle for the long haul. He isn't giving up. He is a victor, He is a mighty God who can move mountains, who can tame a wild sea, and make a giant tree from the smallest seed. In those times that the tears are falling we must let it go and let God. We must lay down our trials at the feet of Jesus. We must let go and give total control to Him. For me as a Mother its hard to do. You just want to grab your children and hold them, you want to wipe away their tears, you want to keep them from harm, from trials, and from falling. As they get older their scrapes get bigger, and our hands just want to bandage all that is wrong, all that is hurting and bring healing. But our children belong to God, and His love is even greater than ours. He sees what they are facing, He sees the choices they are making, He is knocking and He knows just how to reach them. Whatever you are facing today, don't do it alone, share all with Christ and open your heart to a loving, christian sister or brother. One who will listen to all, one who will share in your tears and pray with you. Lay your burdens down today, and don't pick them up again. Trust in Jesus, believe in Him, and know He is there. I know that when I lay by burdens down only to pick them back up again is not showing faith. To trust in God is to give Him all, to open our hands willingly, and trust Him with all that we have, and that will come. I know I was stubburn as a child. My Mom always said it came from my dad. I had to learn some hard lessons on my own. I didn't want to listen to my parents wisdom, so I soon learned I had to take responsibility for my actions, and face the consequences of my choices. I walked some hard roads, but I knew my parents were there. At the time I may have thought I knew so much, but I didn't know anything. My parents did, for they had been there, they knew the road I was choosing was not wise, but they knew I had to learn and learn is what I did. As my children began growing, they too took a different road, a road that they have to learn from. I spent months crying, asking God,"What did I do wrong? Where did I go wrong?" He showed me that I loved my children with all my heart, I gave all, I sacrificed just as my Mother did, and that I cannot be responsible for their actions. The best thing a parent can do is pray for their children, be there, and let them know you are there with your arms open wide when they are ready to come. Sometimes it is in those hardest trials that we find Jesus, for when all has left us, when we feel like we can't go any further, Jesus is there to show us the way. If there is someone you love with all your heart and things between you are not as they should be, don't give up hope, stay on your knees and pray for Jesus to move in them and in your heart too. Your battle may be totally different than my friend and I, but no matter what you are facing you can find strength and shelter in our Savior. You can strengthen your relationship with Him by faith, trust and hope. Prayer is our answer to our trials, to our struggles, and our heartaches. We may have a loss we are hurting over, but God can fill us, He can wash us with His love and grace as no other can. Today is the day you can lay your burdens down, and the day you can remember God has all in His hands, we don't need to pick it back up again, have faith in the God who gave all for you and I~ Romans 1:17 " For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, The just shall live by faith". Romans 8:26-28 "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to whose who are called according to His purpose." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 " Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."