I'm hungry...
As my husband is going all across our beautiful nation a few days ago he was lost. He is never lost, this man can find his way across any hill, mountain or desert. He is the only person I know that can take me to a place five different ways when I cannot even find one way! I am learning, as he has taught me my directions. I know West is always home and North is to the city. If I can learn those two things I can find my way anywhere. Well, as my husband was in a big city, in the middle of the night, he finds himself in an area that some would be fearful. My husband is not, he treats everyone just how he would like to be treated whether rich or poor. He found himself asking for directions, and while he was he met quite a few people. He met a man who came out and ask him for money. All he asked for was a dollar. He told my husband, all he had was some peanuts left and his family was hungry. He went on to tell my husband he was out of work. My husband is not the man you find every Sunday in Sunday school, He doesn't read his bible daily, and he is not one to do lots of church events. But what you will find my husband doing when no one is looking is reaching out to others. My husband shared stories with this man, and gave him money, not a lot, but he gave what he could, knowing he was still out on the road and might just come up short. But for my husband, he knew God would take care of his needs. My husband is not one to judge and think,"What will they use that money for", or "I wonder if he is telling the truth", he is a man who knows Christ will take care of all, and when he feels the Spirit call him to give he will give all he has. As he was telling me this story I had tears in my eyes, for many people do not really know my husband, or how much of a giver he really is. I remember one summer he gave a family one of our cars because the man was out of work and they needed a car. He is the one who has sacrificed so much for us, his family. He gives when he does not have himself. He shows others who Jesus is, just by loving others and giving. He doesn't walk perfect, he has made mistakes, and he will be the first to tell you so. Christ is moving in my husband, I have seen him change in the eighteen years we have been married. He stands for what is right, he is a prophet. He sees things pretty much black and white. But he also has the gift of giving. As I pray for him as he is gone, I find that I miss him, I miss him not being home at night. It is not a fun life of driving over the road. It is lonely, it is hard, and one of the most dangerous jobs there are. Many don't think alot out those who drive over the road, but one thing we should remember, our stores would not be filled with food if not for the drivers who bring it, the malls would be empty if not for those who drive over the road. As my husband meets many different people, he shares what he has, and he gives to those in need. When you have been out of work for over a year, you know what it is to not have. You know what it is to be able to go to the doctor when you need to, to put food on your table, and to buy clothes for your son. This year has humbled us so, that we know there are many more who have even less than we do right now. When you are humbled before God, you know all you have is because of Him and that is why my husband gives, that is why he shares, so others can know Jesus too, not by flowery words, or bringing his bible out, but by sharing love, by giving, for isn't that what Jesus is, love? If we cannot show love, then we cannot show who Jesus is. I don't think he was lost that night on accident, God knew just where that man was going to be and He sent my husband there for a purpose. There are times we lose our way, run in an old friend, meet a stranger in the night. There are no "just by chance", or "Just happened to be there", God sends us right where we are to be. My husband had asked,"Why do you think God made a way for me to drive over the road again at this company?" My answer to that was,"I really don't know, but its for us to follow and trust Him." Many times we do not know what God is doing, or why, but when we follow Him, when we believe in Him, He will show us, send us, and use us for His honor and glory. The next time you meet a stranger, show them love, reach out and show them just who Jesus really is, not just by your words, but by your actions. When one is lost, you can help them too find their way, by just showing love we are pointing them in the right direction~ Ephesians 5:1-2 " Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma."