God's loving kindness
"Because Your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name." Psalm 63:3-4 As I wake this morning and I read this scripture it reminds me that whatever my circumstances are I am still to praise God for His loving kindness. He is more interested in me changing than my circumstances changing. For it is through those circumstances that He brings us closer to Him, teaching us and molding us for His glory. Isn't His love good? His love will carry us through whatever we are going through. His love can fill us, it can strengthen us, and move us to walk closer to Him. The closer we are to Him the more love we are going to feel, and the more love we are going to share with others. I love watching His children raise their hands in praise to Him. I pray that wherever I am and whatever I am doing that my lips praise Him, and my actions show He lives in me. That is not always the case, but it is my deepest desire, to praise Him, and to walk with Him. He is our example to follow. Jesus showed love and compassion to all He met, His loving kindness was shown on the cross, for His death showed His love for us as He followed the will of His Father. It is raining here this morning, but even through the dark clouds and the misty rain, God is to be praised. He will show us the Son in the darkest of clouds. I watch my little ones in Awana on Wednesday nights at church. These little first graders and kindergardeners show so much love and kindness to me and to each other. Why is it that as we get older we seem to lose those traits in our life? We tend to focus more on just me than our neighbor in need. We tend to give only to those we love passing up the hungry man on the street. We have become a nation that seeks out our desires and leaves the needs of others for someone else to serve. We serve God best by serving others, and in doing so we are showing the loving kindness of our Savior. That is how we are going to reach others, by opening our hearts and giving our time, showing love to those who have been left out, showing kindness to those who have been hurt by others. We build trust by love and kindness. I know all the good that comes from my lips or hands is all from Christ, it is nothing I have done, but all that He has done. Today wherever you are, God's love and kindness will reach from north to south, from east to west, touching you with His loving hands and bringing healing to your brokeness. Reach out to the Savior today, He will show you love when no one else will, He will show you kindness when your brother passes you up. I praise Him today for all He is doing in my life, from taking me to ashes and bringing me to His grace~