are you listening to the Father?
"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken." Isaiah 1:19-20 When we follow Christ He is going to bless us abundantly, when we chose to rebel against Him, we are in fact chosing our own way and leaving Him to do our own thing. How many times do we chose our own way, only to see the circumstances that follow from our actions, and then wish we would have followed the Lord? When we turn away from Him, we are hurting ourselves, but we too are hurting Him deeply. As I resently told someone who was hurting that I was there for them, their reply was,"I don't need you, I got it!" It hurt to hear those words, for when you know someone is hurting you want to reach out and give them love, show them compassion and bless them by listening. There have been those times I have I told the Lord that same thing, only to realize He is what I need, I cannot live without Him. It is in those times that we are struggling, in those times when our lives are falling apart, when we have hit rock bottom that we realize just how much we do need Jesus. We don't just need Him for when trouble calls, but we need Him daily. He is our bread, He is our Living Water that makes us whole. Just as when I was a child and disobeyed, I know it hurt my parents. The same is with Jesus, when we chose not to follow Him but our own desires, we are hurting Him. He wants the best for us, He knows what is right for us, and just where we should be, so why are we so stubborn as to turn away from Him and think we can do it all on our own? The world is after our children, satan is out to destroy them, but many times the world reaches the parents first only to then bring the children into a devastating whirlwind. And yes, there are those times when satan has grabbed our children only to destroy our whole family. When we chose to walk our own way there are consequences to our actions. Satan tries to blind us into thinking we know best, we should live our lives, and if the bible doesn't agree with the way I am living I don't need it! God's word is offensive, His word is also enriching to our souls to humble us, to bring us to our knees and to teach us His ways, for His ways are always better than the one's we tend to cook up for ourselves. Satan doesn't just destroy us overnight, he comes when we aren't looking, he sneaks in the temptation and we begin to think nothing we do is wrong and it sure won't hurt us, but God has a plan for your life, and His plan brings joy, it brings peace and it brings glory to His name. As the words sink in of," If you do not work you do not eat", we too can understand this scripture. If we are not following our Savior's plan for our life, we are not going to know what real life is. If we want to reap in His blessings, we must follow Him, live for Him, and soak in His word. Are you willing to be obedient to Christ? Then get ready for all He has for you, get ready to see things that will make your heart only desire Him more, but if we chose to rebel against His word, we will face our consequences of the actions we thought were great for our lives only to see them crushed before us. Make today the day you turn all over to Him, follow Him, and watch your life blossom, watch your heart soar, and be ready to go just where He asks and to serve just as He calls. The only blessings to have are from Jesus, this world has nothing to offer us except deceit and lies. Don't fall into those traps, but if you do stumble, just as I have, you have a loving Savior there waiting for you to come back to the One who gave all for you~ "Come now, and let us reason together, says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isaiah 1:18 Let the Savior of the world wash you of your sins today as you turn to Him. He doesn't want us to live as the world does, but to follow Him and see what life abundantly means! Only God can change your life, only Jesus can save you from the death of this world. Come to Him today, follow our Savior in ways, and feel the everlasting love of His mercy~