The things that come in a package
A few days ago I went shopping for new underwear or panties, yep, I am writing about our undergarments ladies. If you would like to have an anxiety attack, just stand in the underwear aisle for awhile. There is every size to chose from, and every color you want, except in your size! I thought I would try going to walmart and ya know what? I found myself purchasing underwear in a package. Do you know how hard this is? I didn't know what size. I thought I knew my size, until I began opening up packages to see how they looked! As my son is waiting for me, way over in another aisle terrified to come close to the "Ladies" section, I stood there, sat there, and tried to choose which ones were for me. How do you decide? I know there are those of you who only wear the little white ones, but I am a girl who likes color! You can choose from the boy cut, the bikini, hi cut, low rise, the dreaded thong(If you are brave), and your lovely granny panties. Yes, there is a style for everyone and for every shape, you can even find those that are "No ride up", they say that on the package! So I make my selection, I chose a package full of pretty pinks and polka dots, only to get home, open the package and try pair a pair on, only to stand there and think,"What in the world was I thinking?" I will never wear these little underwears. Why do women have to go through so much torment in life? We have to find bras to fit, to lift, to keep the girls up, we have to try on swimsuits, only to go home in tears, we must try out our best to fit in jeans the size we wore in highschool that we will never see again! Sometimes being a man would be nice, there isn't alot to chose really. They get the same haircut until it falls out, they wear one type of jeans, boots or shoes, your button up shirts, t-shirts, and please, they choose a size of underwear and wear them until they are falling off of them! I once got so tired of looking at my husbands, at the huge hole in the back, I just grabed them and ripped them right off the band! Men seem so comfortable, and we ladies want to look our best, we want to feel our best, and when we have nice little undergarments it makes all the difference in the world. I am no longer a package girl, I will purchase nice underwear that fit in all the right places. We really strive to look our best and that takes alot of time and effort. But ladies, my point is why? We are who God made us, we all come in different packages, different sizes and different colors. We are all beautiful in the eyes of the One who created us. We need to stop looking at ourselves as the world sees beauty, as television sees beauty, and begin to feel beautiful from the inside out. Its not about being skinny(Which I have to beat into my head), its about being healthy. Its not about being a size two, its about looking your best, feeling your best and when we get off our buns and exercise, eat right, and take care of our bodies we are bringing glory to God, we are giving Him praise for creating us, for loving us, and for the gift of our bodies being the temple for the Holy Spirit. I used to exercise alot, I was healthy and felt great, now as I am getting older, I find that I hate to sweat, I sit more, and I am not taking care of the body that God gave me.I have allowed my sickness' become an excuse. And if we are not taking care of our bodies, then are we keeping it holy before God? Its okay not to be perfect in the world's eyes. It's okay not to be a runway model, as long as we are taking care of ourselves, as long as we are living right and eating healthy, we are beautiful just as we are. As we come in all shapes and sizes, we can't compare ourselves to others, we are all unique, we are all special, and we are loved by an amazing God. We have one body to last our life time, we need to take care of it, when we feel good, we smile, we laugh, and the beauty shines forth. We are not one size fits all, we all have our own style, our own tastes. That is who God made us to be, to stand out, to not be ashamed of who we are, but to stand with our heads held high knowing we are daughters of the King of Kings. We are His special creation, and no one is allowed to treat us badly, no one can place their hand upon us, no one can speak to us in a fowl way, we are special, we are unique. A woman has a beauty all of her own, each one of us brings glory to God by our presence in walking with Him. You have a Father who is here for you daily, a Father who loves you, and a Father who has a plan for your life. Don't allow anyone to shame your body, to tell you,"You would if you loved me", you say to that man,"I am loved by a God who is giving me the strength to walk away from you right now!" You are precious in His sight. Never let anyone tell you any different ladies. May we keep our bodies holy and pure before Him, may we take care of our bodies as we walk as examples of Christ. Today you may be in a position your not sure of what to do, you may be in a place where you need to go to safety. If you are in a relationship with one who is taking advantage of your love and beauty you can walk away, you can run to Jesus for help and guidence. Turn to a sweet friend, turn to the momma and daddy who love you. Today can be the day change comes your way. Today was the day for me to see that I need to care for my body, I need to try my best to take care of what the Lord has given me. There is a package deal you can find today. It is our heavenly Father, He comes complete with Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Three in One, and you get an extra add on, you get salvation when you come to Him, you get heaven, you get life like you have never known it. So see, there are some special things that come in a package~ Psalm 139:14 "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows well."